Enemies of The Heir Beware...

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Y/N was sitting in the Library with Hermione, Ginny Weasley, Harry, his nose caught the whiff of a familiar scent.

Y/N sniffed a few times as he looked around.


"She's here..." Y/N said as he stood up and looked around to see Daphne Greengrass enter the Library.

" Y/N said as he stood up and looked around to see Daphne Greengrass enter the Library

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"Daphne." Y/N said calmly as he looked at her.

"L/N. How did it go with Dumbledore?" She asked as Y/N paused for a moment.

"Three weeks detention from the old fart. Draco?"

"Four weeks in detention with Professor Binns, and he's suspended from the team, meaning I don't have to listen to him boasting about how good he thinks he is in practice. Enjoy your chaser record while it lasts L/N, I'm aiming to be to the top scorer this year." Daphne said as she smiled at Y/N who smirked.

"Good luck with that." Y/N said as Daphne leaned in closer. "I noticed you looking when I was holding you down during the fight earlier."

"Yes, you've aged terribly." Y/N remarked as Daphne smirked.

"Funny, you didn't mind the view. Well, I'll leave you and your friends to it. Y/N, don't go getting yourself expelled, hm?" Daphne said as Y/N sighed.

"What are you my mother?"

"No, just someone who doesn't want things getting boring around here." Daphne said as she sauntered away. Y/N watched her leaving as she swayed her hips, drawing the eyes of everyone in the room as she left.

Y/N looked to Hermione and Ginny before smiling awkwardly at them before sitting down.

The next day, Y/N and Harry were missing out on the afternoon feast because of their detention with Lockhart.

"Boys, boys, boys. Can either of you possible imagine a better way to serve detention than by helping me to answer my fan mail?" Lockhart asked as he looked at Harry who shook his head, he then looked to Y/N who looked at him with a neutral look.

"Cock and Ball torture with Bellatrix Black." Y/N said in a deadpan voice earning a laugh from both Harry and a fake laugh from Lockhart. "If you think I'm joking, look at my face."

"Fame is a fickle friend, boys. Celebrity is as celebrity does. Remember that." Lockhart said as Y/N was interrupted from his writing when he heard a voice hissing.

 He looked up and saw Harry had an alarmed expression on his face.

"Come... come... to me. Come to me!"

"What?" Harry asked, seemingly to nobody as he didn't even know Y/N was looking at him.

"Sorry?" Lockhart said, confused by Harry's behaviour.

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