Back On Your Feet

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Y/N was eating the breakfast that was brought to him, while Hermione sat nearby, reading her notes from the previous days lessons.

"And then you add-"

"Hermione, I love you, but please stop, I already know how to brew that potion." Y/N said as he looked at his beautiful bookworm girlfriend.

Hermione looked at him with the look.

Y/N cleared his throat and fidgeted in his seat, focusing back on his food

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Y/N cleared his throat and fidgeted in his seat, focusing back on his food. Hermione returned to her book. As Y/N finished his breakfast, he placed his plate and cutlery on the bedside table, Y/N tried to sit up.

"Come here." Y/N said kindly as he looked at her, Hermione approached and climbed onto the bed with Y/N wrapping her hands around him as she smiled at him. "Are you okay?"

Hermione nodded, she knew he didn't believe her.

"I... I don't feel safe without you." Hermione said as Y/N looked at her. "When you're not with me at nights, I can't get to sleep, all I see when I close my eyes is Ron, but he doesn't stop this time, or I have to watch as I'm not in control of my body, he gives me a love potion, I have to watch as I turn my back on you, betray you and the girls and act like I love him!"

Y/N held Hermione closer, kissing her on the forehead.

"I would burn down the world to keep you and the girls safe Hermione. I love you, all of you." Y/N said as he tightened his hug on her. "And if that cunt comes anywhere near you, so help me God, I'll kill him, regardless of the laws."

Y/N looked at Hermione.

"Please Y/N, don't... don't go and get yourself killed or locked away, please." Hermione said desperately as Y/N nodded.

He ran circles on her back with his other hand running through her bushy brown hair, earning a smile from Hermione as she leant against his chest, the two of them falling asleep.

A few hours later, the rest of Y/N's friends arrived and found both Y/N and Hermione enjoying a peaceful sleep, neither of them were suffering from nightmares.

Harry smiled at the scene before linking hands with Luna who turned and smiled at him, meanwhile Astoria was with Ginny and Daphne. Narcissa was checking Y/N's vitals while making sure not to wake him up.

Thomas and Charline were stood next to one another, with Deckard having her arms around Thomas comfortingly.

"Should we?" Astoria whispered as Ginny smiled and shook her head.

"No, let's give them both time to sleep, it looks like they could do with a rest." Harry said as they all nodded, leaving the hospital wing, with Harry and Luna heading off to the Care For Magical Creatures enclosures to feed some of the animals.

Ginny, Daphne, and Astoria all went for a study group session in the library.

Susan Bones was writing a letter to her Auntie Amelia.

Thomas and Charline were discussing what had happened to Y/N in detail, and Narcissa was brewing potions to help Y/N's recovery.

"How is he?" A voice said over Narcissa's shoulder, she turned to look at her Son, Draco.

"He's alive, just about, another moment longer and he might not have been." Narcissa said as she looked at Draco. "You can visit him later, for now just let him rest, he needs it."

Draco nodded before looking in and seeing Y/N sleeping with his arm wrapped around Hermione protectively, Malfoy couldn't help but chuckled, remembering when Y/N used to do that with Daphne on sleepovers.

"... Dumbledore wouldn't want me telling you this Harry but it's your right to know. Your parents will named you as their sole heir to the Ancient and Noble house of Potter... a seat on the wizengamot... best that you take Y/N with you if you intend on visiting to take up your titles completely, as he'll serve as a good bodyguard and you can trust him, that and he can call in a few favours if the goblins get awkward... yours sincerely, Padfoot." Luna red out as she skipped a few parts of the letter. 

"Why do you think Dumbledore hid that information from me?" Harry asked calmly as Luna paused for a moment.

"Because he wants to manipulate you, he's raising you like a pig for slaughter." Luna stated dreamily as she looked at Harry. "Don't worry though, as long as Y/N's alive, you're safe from Dumbledore and Voldemort."

Harry smiled at her.

"Yeah... thanks." Harry said kindly before looking at Luna who's eyes were reflecting in the light slightly, he leaned in and kissed her gently before parting. "I'm sorry, I should have at least asked-"

"It's fine, kiss me whenever you like, as long as it's just me being kissed romantically." Luna said half sarcastically as Harry smiled.

"I'm glad to have you, besides, more than one girlfriend is too much for me, I'm not Y/N." Harry joked as Luna smiled. "I hope he's okay."

"Of course he is." Luna said as she smiled at him.

Y/N awoke with a head of bushy brown hair resting over his heart, he could feel her shallow breath on his chest as Hermione was still sleeping. He smiled and was about to close his eyes when Hermione started moving, looking up at him.

"Hello beautiful." Y/N said as Hermione blushed and smiled.

"Hello Handsome." Hermione said as Y/N smirked at her before leaning in and kissing her. As Hermione climbed off of the bed she watched as Y/N moved to do the same, Y/N stood up and fell, catching himself on a nearby bed before pushing himself back to his feet, he continued standing there for a few moments, falling to the floor from the pain, he stood back up and started moving again towards the next bed, the feeling starting to come back into his feet.

Madam Pomfrey walked in and saw him walking, she smiled at him calmly while shaking her head. Now then Y/N, I want you to do exactly as I say, hopefully after these tests I can send you home until the next check up tomorrow, understood?"

"Yes Ma'am." Y/N said as he nodded.

"Good, now then, let's get to it." Madam Pomfrey said as Y/N nodded, agreeing with the tests...

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