Shopping With The Grangers [2/2]...

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Y/N and Hermione were walking back to the coffee shop together, with Y/N looking around.

"You seem nervous about something?" Hermione asked as Y/N paused for a moment.

"Yeah, just... old habits." Y/N remarked as they arrived at the coffee shop, sitting with the grangers, Hermione left to go to the toilets.

"Wow, that jacket looks nice Y/N. You look like the toughest mountain man gunslinger ever." Emma said as Y/N smiled.

"Thank you Ma'am." Y/N said as he sipped his coffee.

"Please, call me Emma, Y/N, call me Emma." Mrs Granger said as Y/N paused for a moment.

As they sat there drinking, Y/N checked his watch before putting his hand over Hermione's drink, it was starting to go cold.

"Hermione's taking a long time in the toilets isn't she?" Y/N asked as Emma and Thomas looked at one another. Y/N meanwhile was getting Deja vu, remembering the Troll in the bathroom, his mind started worrying for Hermione's safety while his face hid any form of concern from his face. Y/N paused for a moment before speaking. "Can I ask you something concerning Hermione?"

"Of course."

"Was she ever... bullied, in muggle schools?" Y/N asked as Emma and Thomas looked at him.

"She's had a few issues in the past, though I don't think that should be any concern of yours Y/N."

"When my friends are being upset by people bullying them, it always concerns me." Y/N said as he looked at Thomas Granger. "If you'll excuse me."

Y/N stood up and left, after finishing his drink, heading off in the direction of the toilets, somehow he had a gut feeling that something was wrong with Hermione.

He approached the toilets to find Hermione stepping out, her eyes were puffy.

"Hermione? Are you okay?" Y/N asked as he looked at her.

"Yes, it's nothing Y/N..." Hermione trailed off as Y/N stopped her, taking her hand gently and turning her to look at him.

"You've been sick or you've been crying, either way you're lying." Y/N said as he looked her in the eyes.

"I just met someone I wish I hadn't, someone from my old school." Hermione said as Y/N looked at her.

"Well, that's exactly what it is isn't it, old, you're in a new school with a load of friends who are all there to help you if you need them. Among them, you've got me." Y/N said, he hated getting this soppy and sentimental but he could bare the discomfort for him, if it meant comforting Hermione. "Come on, let's get you back to the coffee shop, your drink might have cooled down a bit."

Y/N and Hermione returned to the coffee shop, with Hermione sitting next to him and drinking her drink while they spoke.

After leaving the coffee shop, Y/N and the Grangers continued to browse the shops, with Y/N buying Hermione a book, along with buying himself a Jack Reacher Book.

By the time they all returned back to the Grangers home, the four of them were tired, well, Y/N and Thomas were, with them carrying most of the bags.

"Told you Y/N, the reason men are taken shopping, to be a pack mule." Emma joked as Y/N chuckled.

"Well, certainly beats my usual holiday job." Y/N said as he smiled at them. "Now I think I am going to enjoy the sun, and enjoy my book."

Y/N smiled as he held the Jack Reacher book up before heading outside, as Mr and Mrs Granger smiled, watching Hermione follow with one of the books she had bought.

"Okay, Just don't go too far, we'll shout you for tea." Mrs Granger called out.

"Okay mum!" Hermione answered as the door shut.

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