1 Week Later!

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Y/N awoke early in the morning to the sound of Harry waking up, Harry, Ron, and Neville were the only other boys in his house, they were also his closest friends. He paused for a moment when he saw a pair of Ravenclaw socks next to Harry's bed. Harry looked up at Y/N who was smirking slyly.


"You silver tongued devil you." Y/N remarked as Harry laughed to himself.

"Cho was round again?" Neville said as Harry looked at them

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"Cho was round again?" Neville said as Harry looked at them.

"Just ask her to move in at this rate Potter. At least that way we know when we should leave." Y/N said as Potter grabbed a pillow and threw it across the room at Y/N who caught it.

"Ew, wash it first Potter." Y/N laughed before throwing it back.

It was breakfast in the great hall, and as usual, Y/N was the first to arrive. He walked in and felt the gaze of the girls around him beaming on him, he looked to his other close friends/crushes, Hermione Granger, and Ginny Weasley, they were talking to Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil, well, Ginny was, Hermione was reading one of her books, as usual. Y/N chuckled at the sight before looking around. He walked over and took a seat between Ginny and Hermione who moved to let him in.

"Morning ladies." Y/N said as he heard the obnoxious tones of his nibs himself, Draco Malfoy.

It was no huge secret that both Y/N and Malfoy had a rivalry, both in and out of the classroom, to say they disliked one another would be an understatement on the same level as saying that 'Voldemort disliked Muggleborns a bit'. Case and point, the matter of romance. With there being so few boys in the school, there was more pressure on a boy to be able to find himself a girlfriend who loved him as he loved her, after all, there was less competition.

And Draco had Pansy Parkinson, Harry and Cho were good together and dating, Neville was dating Hannah Abbot. In fact, Y/N and Ron were the only two boys who hadn't found themselves any form of romance, though for two very different reasons, Y/N's reason, was that he was afraid, most people just thought he was afraid of girls rejecting him, but the truth was, he didn't want to ruin the friendships he had with some girls, and he was afraid of his past causing issues. The fact that he was in the same bracket as Ron worried him however.

"Morning all! Well, well, L/N. Sitting around the girls at breakfast because that's the closest you'll get to one?" Malfoy said as the girls all looked at Y/N who sighed.

"No, I just thought I should give your mum a rest before tonight." Y/N said as he looked Draco in the eyes. "Now shove off you foul git, leave me alone."

Draco looked fuming before speaking.

"How dare you speak of my mother. There's no way she would sully herself with your name, let alone sleep with you, what girl would be with you for that matter?"

"Your girl perhaps?" Y/N said as he looked to Pansy, Draco drew his wand and Y/N drew his, disarming Malfoy before putting the wand back in it's holster. "Take your wand and go Draco."

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