A Day In The Life...

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"Wake up! Y/N, come on, time to get up, we can't spend all day in bed."

"We can't?" Y/N asked as he looked up at the silhouette of the woman above him.

"No, we have things to do, you have to see to the livestock, I have to see to the ministry." The woman said as Y/N chuckled, leaning up to kiss her only for her to lean away. "Get up-"

"Y/N, get up young man." Bellatrix's voice said as Y/N opened his eyes, looking up at her and blushing slightly when he realised he had tried to kiss her. "Pleasant dream?"

"Yeah, too pleasant." Y/N said as he stood up, stretching before looking at the cell door that was open. A Guard poked their head into the cell.

"Good morning you three, sleep well?" The guard said kindly as Y/N walked over to a small corner where there was a cupboard for his toiletries such as toothpaste, shampoo and soap.

"Yes Mister Fisher, thank you." Y/N, Bellatrix, and Sirius said in unison. Y/N had his toothbrush in his mouth as he brushed his teeth.

"Ah, Y/N. I heard about your recent... escapades in School, a basilisk eh?"

"Yes. A Basilisk."

"Right you lot, off to work!" A voice said from out on the landing.

"Oh, here comes Marx." Bella snorted as Y/N chuckled.

Fisher moved out of the way of the door revealing a man who was clearly of some military background from his posture.

"Well, well, Y/N L/N, back in once again are you eh? No tricks up your sleeve this time."

"Not up my sleeve no." Y/N answered bluntly.

"Yes, I remember it, that compassionate parole trick you pulled last year, will not work on us again."

"Obviously Mister Miller." Y/N said as he looked at him. 

"Yes, you remember me, don't you." Miller said as he walked towards Y/N.

"Yes. Mister Miller, I remember you." Y/N said calmly as Miller looked to Bellatrix and Sirius.

"Right, you three, get to work!"

Y/N, Bellatrix, and Sirius walked through the corridors, Y/N could feel half of the prison turn to look at him, he could hear the words muttered in hushed breaths, some were positive, some were negative, other words were neutral. He didn't care right now however, he was busy thinking about how he would find the rest of the horcruxes and kill Voldemort before he became an issue again. At first his mind went to the obvious answer that he had picked up from his recent time at Hogwarts, ask Hermione to come and help him in the library, then he realised that would put more of a target on her than she already had.

As he passed a patrolling dementor, it moved towards him, the guards all allowed it as it went to feed on Y/N, he looked at, the dementor couldn't see him, like any other dementor, it couldn't see anything, but it could sure as shit sense him.

"Do it, you scabby son of bitch!" Y/N snarled at the Dementor, it felt all of the happy memories and emotions leave it's intended target, and be replaced by something else.

Y/N was sitting next to Bellatrix, making fishing nets by hand as he worked with her and Sirius, as they worked, Dementors stalked throughout the room, occasionally feeding on a prisoner for a few moments before leaving them, with the Dementors seemingly avoiding Y/N as he worked, like something about him struck fear into them.

Bellatrix glanced to Y/N ever now and then as they worked together, she was seeing a definite improvement in his looks, he was definitely regaining the weight he had lost during his time at Azkaban, no doubt thanks to the school meals, Bellatrix realised he would likely lose all that weight again before he got out.

"So, how are things between you and Daphne?" Bellatrix asked as Y/N paused.

"You already know the answer, I broke up with her, and her with me." Y/N answered as he looked to Bellatrix.

"I know, but I was just wondering that maybe there was something going on that you weren't telling us about." Bellatrix said as Y/N chuckled.

"I would say you sound like my mother, but I'd be insulting you then." Y/N said as he continued working.

Eight hours later, Y/N, Sirius and Bella left their work room, their hands in agony from making the fishing nets. As they reached their cell, Y/N ran a tap and held his hands under the cold water, soon he was replaced by Sirius and then Sirius was replaced by Bella. They splashed the water on their faces until the door closed. Y/N climbed into the bunk bed and heard the cell door close.

"What day is it today?"

"Tuesday." Y/N said as he looked up at the ceiling. "Five days till our next meal."

"No, twelve days, it was changed to once every two weeks because of a fight." Bellatrix said as Y/N sighed.

"Let me guess, still cauliflower cheese?" Y/N asked as Bellatrix gave an affirmative hum. "Fucks sake, at least give us something good. Is that the the only thing the blokes in the kitchen know how to do?"

"It's all watery now as well, Paders had to drink his cheese sauce last time." Bellatrix said as Y/N shook his head.

"Harry probably has it worse." Y/N remarked as he thought about his friend. "Poor bleeder."

"Don't." Sirius said as he looked to Y/N who nodded.

"Right, sorry." Y/N said as he relaxed into his bed, feeling one of the springs in his mattress sticking out and poking him in the ribs. He closed his eyes and thought about being outside of Azkaban, somehow, his thoughts continuously circled to Daphne, Hermione, or Ginny, with him imagining what it would be like if his life was different, and he could pursue a relationship with someone.  

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