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Y/N was sitting alone with Hermione and the girls in his quarters, his hands shaking with rage when the portrait door opened and Professor McGonagall walked in along with Dumbledore and a furious Molly Weasley, Fred and George were not far behind her but it looked like they were trying to talk her down.

"He nearly killed my son! I want him to face punishment Dumbledore." Molly said as she looked at Y/N, rage evident on her face.

"Molly, I implore you to listen to his side of the story first." Dumbledore said as he looked at Y/N. "Well, Y/N, what have you to say for yourself?"

"If you're expecting me to apologize, you'll have better luck talking to a fucking wall. I don't regret what I did, I do regret I didn't do more. He deserved it." Y/N said as Molly looked at Y/N with shock and hatred.

"Y/N! After everything you two have been through with one another-"

"I thought so too, I was willing to let the comments slide, after all we were friends, but he hit Hermione, he cracked three of her ribs, look at her, does that look like the result of friendship?" Y/N said as Molly looked at Hermione.

"Ron did that to her, and he forced himself on her, kissed her without consent, tried to sexually assault her, and you're coming at me like I'm the cunt? Maybe if you raised Ron better we wouldn't be in this situation! I could have killed him, and I wish I had, if it wasn't for Hermione, you'd be burying your scrote of a son!" Y/N snapped, sick of the accusatory look Molly was looking at him with as Minister Fudge walked in alongside Percy Weasley.

Y/N sniffed the air and looked around.

"Is it your Mother?"

"No... She's here."


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"Umbitch. She's here." Y/N said as he heard the sound which all over the world, throughout the entire multiverse if there was one, heralded the imminent arrival of a cunt.

"Hem hem." 

Y/N clenched his jaw and took a deep breath as Daphne stood up and drew her wand.

"No. I'm not having her coming in, I don't need to be cleaning sulphur from the carpet." Y/N said as Umbridge entered with two aurors.

"Ghastly business Y/N, I was hoping you'd reformed." Umbridge said as glared at her.

"Oh I have, haven't you noticed, the useless fuckers alive, which is more than can be said for the last person who sexually assaulted my friends." Y/N said as Fudge spoke.

"Come now Y/N, what evidence is there of this alleged assault-?"

"Look at Hermione!" Y/N snapped.

Umbridge scoffed.

"Mum, Y/N's right, Ron did that to Hermione." Ginny said as Molly looked at her Daughter in shock.

Minister Fudge looked at Hermione, seeing the black eye and the marks on her thigh, the bruises on her wrists where Ron had held onto her, he saw the cuts on her face and then looked to Y/N.

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