Brotherly Care and Narcissa's Assistance...

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As she said that, Harry returned with Fawkes the Phoenix on his forearm while Dumbledore chased him.

Harry nodded to the bird and it flew over to Y/N, Harry turned and pointed his wand at Dumbledore.

"You stay away from him while this happens... Professor McGonagall, if Dumbledore or anyone tries to stop Y/N's healing, you have permission from me, as the last heir to the ancient and noble house of Potter, to stop them, by any means necessary."

"You know-"

"Yes, I'll tell you how when this is over." Potter said as he looked at Y/N, Fawkes was standing on the boy's chest as a tear dropped from his eyes onto Y/N's throat, immediately the wound began to heal as the phoenix began to cry onto Y/N's wounds.

"Harry, he's already dead... it won't work." Dumbledore said as he looked at Potter who shook his head.

"I'm not giving up on him, he didn't give up on me, I won't let him go!" Harry snapped at the headmaster, sick of the man seemingly sitting back and doing nothing. Harry looked in at Y/N still remaining motionless on the table. Luna put her arms around Harry and held him as he sobbed into her shoulder. "He... he can't be."

Luna just gave him a comforting smile.

"No offence Luna, but I don't think a bright smile is doing much here." Daphne remarked as Luna looked at her.

"Why, Y/N can't die yet, he's far too important, he's the hero of the story." Luna said dreamily as everyone looked at her confused.

That was when they heard a cough from inside the room, they all looked to Y/N who looked up at the phoenix.

"When I prayed to wake up with a bird on top of me, this isn't what I had in mind!" Y/N croaked out as he looked at Fawkes. "How... the... fu-"

Y/N looked to everyone who had tears in their eyes and streaming down their faces. That was when his vision was filled with heads of hair of every colour. The girls all rushed to him and Harry joined in along with Luna, McGonagall joining in on hugging him.

"DON'T! EVER! DO! THAT! AGAIN!" Hermione yelled as she hit Y/N on the shoulder with a book to punctuate each word.

As Y/N looked at Harry he looked to the phoenix.

"Guessing you saved me hey?" Y/N asked as Harry smiled.

"Well, I couldn't let you die... you still owe me a fiver from poker night last week." Harry said as he smiled at Y/N who chuckled.

"Bitch." Y/N remarked as Harry smiled.

"Dick." Harry replied, earning a laugh from the two of them.

"Um, do you two boys need some time alone?" Daphne asked sassily as Y/N smirked.

"Did you sing?" Y/N asked as Daphne nodded. "Wasn't Zedcars was it?"

"No." Daphne said with something resembling a sob and a laugh. "No, it was Dolly Parton."

"Heh, my Smoky Mountain Ice Queen." Y/N joked as Daphne chuckled. The Girls all looked to Thomas who hugged his little brother.

"I thought I'd lost you boy." Thomas said as Y/N chuckled.

" Thomas said as Y/N chuckled

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"Me too, sir." Y/N said calmly as Thomas held him tight.

"I hate to ruin the moment, but we need to run tests on Mr Y/N, ensure that everything is fine." Pomfrey said as she looked at Y/N with a smile. "If you get through these without complaint I'll let you have a scotch while you're staying in hospital tonight."

"Someone gag me." Y/N said as Pomfrey laughed before she started the tests, with Hermione and the other girls excluding Luna, leaning in and kissing him, while Luna held hands with Harry who was relieved to have Y/N back. McGonagall was stood next to Thomas and was beaming at seeing her Godson was alive and well.

Narcissa began helping with the checks, smiling with joy at Y/N still being alive, while Thomas was helping get the potions they would need to help replenish the blood he had lost.

That night, while he was in hospital, Y/N was awoken by Astoria sneaking into the hospital and joining him in bed.

"Stori? What's up?"

"I didn't want to leave you all alone in the hospital when you're in this state..."

"Why do I feel there's something else to it?" Y/N said with a smirk.

"And I wanted a cuddle." Stori said as Y/N chuckled.

"Well, in that case, who am I to refuse?" Y/N said as he held her, and started to run his hand through her hair comfortingly...

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