A ''Talk''

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Hermione arrived at the Gryffindor boys dorm and opened the door, she could hear the faintest hint of a sob through Y/N's bed curtains.

"Y/N?" Hermione said as she cautiously approached Y/N's bed.

"Go away Hermione... Please." Y/N said through sobs as Hermione stood her ground when she saw a photo of Her, Daphne, Ginny, and Astoria however she noticed that Y/N had covered the part that had him in it.

"No. I'm not walking out on you, Y/N. I'm coming over there." Hermione said as she took another step.

"I'm fine, just leave me alone." Y/N said as Hermione paused in her steps before picking up the photo and turning the frame to see writing on the back.

More than I deserve.

Hermione looked to Y/N's bed before putting the photo on the table and walking towards the bed, opening the curtains, she saw Y/N raise his fist like he was about to swing but he stopped himself when he saw Hermione's face. His hand lowered and he looked ashamed. Hermione took him into a hug, holding his head so that his ear was over her heart. Y/N felt his heart flutter at her action, he had just nearly punched her, and her immediate reaction wasn't to flee, or to raise her hands to stop him, her first reaction was to try and comfort him.

Hermione heard the sobs from his face buried into her shoulder.

"It's okay Y/N, it's okay, let it out." Hermione said as she felt the sobs increase, she could tell this was the result of years of pain and torment. She gently ran her hand through Y/N's hair. "It's okay... I'm here for you."

The sobs paused slightly before Y/N spoke up in a voice that took Hermione by surprise.

"Help me, please. Just... help me." Y/N said, to Hermione, for the first time since knowing him, he sound vulnerable. "Help me."

"With what?"

"With everything. The whole fucking thing." Y/N sobbed as Hermione looked at him, putting her hand under his chin and lifting his head up so he looked into his eyes.

"Y/N, we'll always help you. All of us. You're not alone anymore." Hermione said as she kissed him on the forehead. "Harry will too."

Y/N looked at her.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"You want to know why I didn't tell Harry anything, considering he's my best friend?" Y/N asked as Hermione nodded. "It's a bit pathetic really."

"It's okay Y/N. You can tell me."

"I didn't tell him because well it would seem kind of stupid to him, I mean He's lost his parents, and suffered abuse for 17 years. My problems are quite pathetic when compared to that." Y/N said as Hermione looked shocked before tightening her hug.

"Y/N, Harry would happily help you. He wouldn't think any lesser of you for your issues." Hermione said as she kissed him before hugging him, he relaxed into the hug as she held him.

"Can we just... stay like this?" Y/N asked as Hermione nodded.

"Okay." Hermione said as she held him tight to her chest as Y/N slowly calmed down from his previous state of distress. "You're going to be okay Y/N, you've got me, Daphne, Ginny, Astoria, Harry, Narcissa, you have all of us to help you. You always will."

1 Hour Later:

Y/N woke up, with his face buried into Hermione's shoulder, he felt her hand on his back and her gentle breathing on the top of his head. He moved his head slightly and saw Hermione was asleep, he found his heart fluttering at seeing her sleeping form, to him, she looked angelic, he actually blushed before relaxing back into embracing her, feeling comfort in her arms.

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