Bounties: Sirius and Bellatrix Black!

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As Harry and Hermione stood up from trying to hold onto Ron, they were both smacked by a branch on the Whomping Willow, Harry was holding onto the branch for his life.

The pair stood up and tried to charge at the hole at the base of the tree, Harry was knocked back and his glasses fell off of his face, Hermione managed to avoid a branch by vaulting over it but she was picked up by the next branch, she held on for dear life, Harry meanwhile was trying find his glasses, he looked up to see the club like branch of the Willow approaching him, he rolled out of the way of the branch and was looking for Hermione until he heard her panicked screams approaching, he turned and felt Hermione grab him by his shirt, she held on until the tree was swinging them towards the hole at the base of the tree, as they approached it Hermione let go of Harry's shirt and the momentum sent him flying feet first down the tunnel. Harry slid down the tunnel before emerging from the slide and falling onto his face, hitting his head.

He heard screaming approaching, he turned onto his back to try and see who it was, Hermione landed on top of him, knocking the wind out to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Harry groaned.

"Where do you think this leads?" Hermione said, focusing on the current situation.

"I have a hunch." Harry said.

They walked through the tunnels until they appeared arrived in the shrieking shack, they heard rumbling next to them and Hermione jumped at the noise.

"What else do you think is here apart from Ron?" Harry asked.

"A ghost perhaps, I mean, who'd know this old house better than anyone?" Hermione asked as Harry couldn't stop himself.

"Shakin' Stevens?" Harry joked as Hermione let out a chuckle even in light of the situation, Hermione shook her head and gave Harry a small smack around the back of the head.

"Smartarse." Hermione said as Harry shrugged.

"Joke was worth it." He stated as their brief moment of joy was stopped by Ron screaming for help from upstairs. Hermione was the fastest, she bounded up the stairs and into a room where she found Ron clutching Scabbers and propping an injured leg on the bed. Harry arrived.

"Ron, the dog-- where is it?"

"It's a trap! He's the dog! He's an Animagus!" Ron panicked as he pointed past Hermione and Harry, they turned to face the open door they had walked through, it closed over to reveal Sirius Black.

"It's a trap! He's the dog! He's an Animagus!" Ron panicked as he pointed past Hermione and Harry, they turned to face the open door they had walked through, it closed over to reveal Sirius Black

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Hermione put herself between Sirius and Harry.

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!" Hermione said as Sirius inched his way towards them.

"Ooh, she knows how to play!" a voice cackled as Bellatrix Black emerged from the doorway. 

"No. Only one will die tonight." Sirius declared. Harry was reaching for his wand but Bellatrix spotted it.

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