I Got A Plan...

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Y/N arrived at the feast and sat with his friends, with Ginny and Hermione on either side of him, he was eating some food, pouring himself a small drink. Y/N felt Hermione press her head onto his right shoulder, he smiled before leaning in and kissing the top of her head, he then turned to Ginny and kissed her on the top of the head as well.

They were interrupted when Dumbledore started speaking, his voice demanding the attention of everyone.

"Good evening all, I trust that you are all enjoying your meals. Well, I would like to make an announcement. Beginning tomorrow, there will be a duelling tournament between the years. Each year will have it's own tournament, the champions from each tournament will then have the opportunity to take part in the champions tournament, winning this would grant them the chance to take on a teacher of their choice in a duel, if they win they will receive their own private quarters for the rest of their time here at Hogwarts, along with 1000 galleons." Dumbledore said as the Great Hall erupted into a collection of murmurs. Y/N looked oved to Daphne who returned the look, clearly they both had just had an idea.

Y/N was with Hermione and Ginny in his and Daphne's class room.

"Why do you want us to come with you?" Hermione asked as Y/N paused for a moment.

"Because I have a plan on how to help Daphne and win us the Hogwarts Ritz room." Y/N said as he looked at the girls.

The door opened and Daphne walked in, seeing the two girls she looked at Y/N with an indistinguishable look.

"What are they doing here?" Daphne asked as Y/N smiled.

"Nice to see you too." Y/N remarked earning a definite glare off of Daphne.

"I'm serious Y/N." Greengrass said coldly.

"They're here because I want them here, Hermione's one of the smartest mages of her generation, no that is not an exaggeration, Ginny's family has a history of knowing how to... displace Malfoy's." Y/N said with a smirk.

"That's vague, you know I detest vague." Daphne said with an unimpressed look.

"I have a plan to help you out of your predicament, to humiliate Malfoy, and get myself and anyone I want a place to sleep that's away from Ron's snoring." Y/N said as he walked up to Daphne.

"You want to beat him in the tournament." Daphne said as Y/N nodded. "I don't see how that will help me."

Y/N smiled before giving Daphne a boop on the nose, earning an annoyed look from Daphne who crunched her face moment at the action.

Y/N smiled before giving Daphne a boop on the nose, earning an annoyed look from Daphne who crunched her face moment at the action

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"That... my dear beautiful blond bombshell of a friend, is because you don't see Draco at his worst, at a very least, his pride, and his arrogance. I intend to face Draco in the tournament and rile him up so much that he's going to bet on himself, claiming that he could beat me, at which point, I will make my own bet, if I win I can have the marriage contract, I humiliate that ball ache, and I get access to the Hogwarts Carlton hotel." Y/N said, beaming with pride at his plan as Hermione and Ginny smirked at him, Daphne chuckled to herself.

"So with you having my marriage contract, I assume you'll want me to join your little 'harem' or whatever is going on?"

"That's up to you, if you want to fine, if you don't, I'll call off the wedding as I never agreed to the terms specifically, and in the words of Fleetwood Mac: you can go your own way." Y/N said as Hermione smiled at the small joke. "What do you say, Ice Princess? Shall we give that frog prince a kick up his royal arse?"

Daphne looked at Y/N for a moment, seemingly pondering her options.

"And if I did want to join you three, what would that entail?"

"A normal relationship, just with sharing involved." Y/N said as Daphne raised one of her eyebrows at him.

"That's not a normal relationship. I know mine and yours was the only basis for your idea of normal but even then, something like this never happened." Daphne said as Y/N smirked.

"Just think about it Daphne. Yeah." Y/N said as Daphne paused once again, thinking.

"Fine, however, if you have a chance to win the contract from Draco before the tournament, do it. The sooner I don't have to hang around with that ferret the better." Daphne said as Y/N smiled.

"Of course." Y/N said as Hermione and Ginny saw him heading for the door, they followed him out and Hermione looked at him.

"Y/N, how can you be certain that you'll defeat Malfoy in a duel?" Hermione asked with concern.

"Simple, didn't you notice, Daphne?"

"Notice what?" Both girls asked at once.

"She never once called into question that I would defeat Malfoy." Y/N said as he chuckled to himself as the girls turned to one another and shared a smirk, realizing that Malfoy would be facing Y/N's own cunning plan to deliver karma right to the self appointed "Prince of Slytherin"...

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