As Green As Grass...

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Y/N awoke the next morning to the feeling of someone's head on his chest, he looked down at a brunette head of hair and chuckled.

"Morning Stori." Y/N muttered to himself as he looked at her, he  looked at her, thinking of everything that had happened over the past few days, the things he had done just to ensure she would be safe. One would be expected to feel remorse in killing so many people, but Y/N looked down at Astoria, and he didn't feel remorse, in his eyes, it was her and Daphne, or them, he simply made the decision before it was made for him.

The door opened and Daphne walked in, rolling her eyes at her little sister.

"Still as cuddly with you as ever." Daphne stated as Y/N smiled. "How... how are you feeling?"

"Not too nice." Y/N said as he looked at Daphne. "I'll heal eventually."

He went to sit up but Astoria tightened her arms around him. Daphne chuckled before looking at Astoria.

"Stori, let Y/N sit up, you can give him all the cuddles you want later, for now mother wishes to speak to him." Daphne said as Y/N looked at her.

"Unfortunately, I have things to do-"

"Oh no you don't, after hearing the trick you pulled you're lucky you're not cuffed to the bed." Daphne said as Y/N looked at her with a raised brow.

"Ooh, kin-" Y/N was hit with a stinging hex.

"Get up, get showered, get dressed, and get downstairs to my mother before she comes up here and kicks your teeth in." Daphne said as Y/N smiled, heading into the bathroom to get showered while Daphne looked to Astoria. "Stori, get to breakfast."


"Now!" Daphne said sternly as Astoria left.

"Not even dating anymore and she's still being jealous with him." Stori mumbled as Daphne looked at her.

"Careful or I'll be sending a love letter to Snape in your handwriting." Daphne warned.

A few minutes, Y/N stepped out of the bathroom in a fresh pair of under pants, and socks, as he opened the door, Daphne saw him as she sat on his bed, she saw the wound from the spike. He put his pants on and then his shoes, however, as he went to put his shirt on, Y/N let out hiss of pain before moving a hand to his injured shoulder.

Daphne walked up to him.

"Here." Daphne said as she helped him with the shirt.

"I'm fine Daph, I just need to work up to it."

"Sure, and you don't have a thing for Granger and Weasley." Daphne said sarcastically as Y/N looked at her.

"I don't, you know I can't have any relationships, ever. It makes it all easier." Y/N said as Daphne paused for a moment before kissing him. "Daphne-"

"If we can't be together, at least grant me that one kiss, to remember my best friend by." Daphne said as Y/N looked at her. "Why did it all have to happen to you Y/N?"

"Because I was an idiot who didn't know who he loved." Y/N said as he looked at Daphne who looked back at him sadly.

"It's not your fault Y/N." Daphne said as she moved her hand up to his cheek.

"Daphne, dear. is Y/N coming?" Adorabella called out.

"On his way." Daphne answered, smiling at Y/N before walking to the door and opening. "Time to face the music Y/N."

"Wish me luck." Y/N joked as Daphne kissed him on the cheek.

"For luck."

"Thanks Leia

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"Thanks Leia." Y/N joked as Daphne smirked.

Y/N walked down to see Adorabella who looked at him furiously.

After a long scolding, Adorabella finally took pity on the poor boy and started checking Y/N's wound.

"It's not infected luckily, it should heal in a week or two. You should see improvement by the time you return to Hogwarts." Adorabella said as Y/N nodded.

"Speaking of Which, you and the girls will be staying at the Leaky Cauldron for the last few days of the summer. I trust you find this acceptable?"

"Mrs Greengrass, after the time I've had of late, I'd take anything." Y/N said as she looked at him, looking into his eyes.

"Why does all this keep happening to you Y/N?" Adorabella asked herself as Y/N smiled gently.

"I've been asking myself that a lot lately." Y/N said as Adorabella hugged him.

"Go and get your belongings ready for the leaky cauldron, we're going after breakfast when the girls are ready. By the way, a letter arrived for you while you were asleep, you looked like you needed it and Daphne wouldn't let us anywhere near you while you slept so, here." Adorabella said as Y/N took the note and looked at the writing on it.

As he opened it he saw it was a letter from Hermione.

Dear Y/N,

I hope this letter finds you well, as your words to me before you left have had me concerned, you sounded like something bad was going to happen, I've kept in touch with Harry as best as I could but his replies are rare. I'll be heading to London in a few days for my school supplies, I hope to catch up with you then, as if I'm quite honest, things seem quiet around here with out you, and dare I say, I've missed you, and I still miss you even as I write this, praying to whatever there is that you're okay.

Take care Y/N.

Yours always,

: )

Y/N looked at the letter and sighed to himself before putting it in his pocket.

"Everything okay Y/N?" Arthur Greengrass said as Y/N looked at him.

"Yes sir." Y/N said as he stood up.

"Y/N, how long have you known me now?"

"All my life, sir." Y/N said as Arthur nodded.

"Correct, I think after such a long time, you can stop referring to me as sir." Arthur said as Y/N smiled at him.

"Sorry, old habits die hard I guess." Y/N said as Arthur smiled. "Azkaban keeps the whole sir thing in my head and all that."

"I understand. Come, time for a spot of breakfast while the ladies get ready." Arthur said as he led Y/N to the dining room...

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