Diagon Alley

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Y/N and McGonagall arrived at the Ministry, with Y/N levitating the captured Bill Ashe behind him, taking his bounty straight to the office of Amelia Bones, head of the DMLE. As he walked through the office, he received looks from workers, some of sympathy, some of disgust.

McGonagall knocked on the door to Bones' office but Y/N simply opened the door and walked in.

"Mr L/N?!" Amelia said as she looked to a young girl she had been speaking to, the young girl had long red hair which she wore in a long plait down her back.

"Apologies Miss Bones, a present to compensate for my lack of manners, Bill Ashe." Y/N said as he looked to the girl. "Evening Susan, are you enjoying your summer holidays?"

Susan looked at Y/N in shock at him knowing her name, granted she had told him last year in the library, but with how cosy he was with Granger, Susan thought for sure they were together and he had forgotten her name, it came as something of a relief for the young girl that Y/N cared to remember her name. It was of course by this time after all this thinking about her shock that Susan realised she hadn't answered Y/N.

"Yes, enjoying my holidays." Susan said as she smiled at Y/N.

"Susan, would you step outside, Y/N and I have some important matters to discuss." Amelia said as Susan went to object but received a stern look from her aunt. As the girl went to walk out the door she looked to Y/N.

"It was good seeing you Y/N."

"You too." Y/N said as Susan left, closing the door behind her.

"Someone has a crush." Amelia said as Y/N smirked.

"I don't have crushes, romance for me is an option that lost it's fun a long time ago Miss Bones." Y/N said as he sat down.

"I wasn't talking about you." Amelia said with a smile.

"No offense Miss, but I'm really not Susan's type." Y/N said as he looked to Bill Ashe and kicked him as he was waking up from being unconscious. "About this bounty, I'm thinking there's a pretty penny on his head considering the Minister made a house call to force me into accepting the bounty." Y/N said as Bones looked at the man on the floor.

"Was he much trouble?"

"No Ma'am. Can we please just skip the questions and get to business."

"You're not in much of a good mood are you." Amelia said as Y/N looked at her.

"Your boss threatens people I care about to coerce me into risking my life so that he can pay me a tenth of the bounty, I wonder why I'm in a bad mood?" Y/N said as he looked at Bones who sighed, opening her drawer and pulling out a large pouch full of coins.

"Payment for this bounty and the previous one. From now on, just bring them into this office, I'll make sure to pay you." Bones said as she looked at him. "Mr L/N, just so you know, not all of us ministry workers are like Fudge and Umbridge, some of us respect you for your past actions."

"I know Ma'am. Besides, I think one Umbitch is enough, I don't want anyone else like her, then I really would need to be in prison for murder." Y/N said as Bones sighed and rolled her eyes before looking at Y/N.

"Time and a place Y/N." Bones said with a smile as Y/N chuckled.

"Sure." Y/N said as he left, finding Professor McGonagall standing outside talking to a woman.

"Terribly sorry, Minerva, but we have rules, you cannot be here unless it's for official business."

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