Lord Potter...

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As Y/N walked through the bank alongside Harry and Minerva, he looked around at the decadent marble walls and statues of previous goblin kings.

"So, Madam McGonagall, what is the purpose of this visit?" Ragnuk asked. "Surely you do not hope to yet again use your late husbands name to get this Y/N boy out of trouble?"

"No, sir Ragnuk. Y/N has come here to ensure the safety of Young Potter here, we would like to look into a potential line theft." McGonagall said as Ragnuk stopped in his tracks.

"You feel that Mr Potter is not safe enough with us? You bring this criminal with you?" Ragnuk said as Y/N chuckled.

"If this criminal is so disgusting to you, imagine how disgusting he can be when people keep looking sown their nose at him." Y/N said as a guard pressed their halberd against Y/N's throat.

"You dare to insult the King?"

"No, your king dares to insult me." Y/N said as he looked Ragnuk in the eyes, the king nodded for his soldier to stand down.

"Minerva, through these doors is a waiting area, wait with young Mr Potter in there, it would appear Y/N and I need to talk." Ragnuk said as Minerva looked gravely at Y/N who nodded to her.

As McGonagall and Potter left, Y/N looked at the king.

"If you're going to kill me, hurry up and do it already." Y/N said as he looked at the goblin king.

"Why would I kill you, Mr L/N, because you disrespect me? Because you steal from my bank and use an unforgivable curse on one of my employees and my subjects?"

"Is this little questionnaire intended to intimidate me, because it's going to take a lot more than that to scare me." Y/N said calmly and coldly as he looked the king in the eyes.

"You have no weapon Y/N, why would I seek to intimidate you, scared people act foolish and foolish people find themselves dead." Ragnuk said as Y/N looked at him.

"So what is this? Eh?"

"I granted you a favour when I agreed to not make you an enemy of the Goblin Nation after you robbed the bank." Ragnuk said as Y/N looked at him.

"So, you want a favour in return, someone need killing perhaps?" Y/N asked as the king shook his head.

"No, I would appreciate it if you showed a little more respect to me." Ragnuk said as Y/N 

"Well sorry to burst your bubble Ragnuk, but I've got this to deal with and then I have to deal with the Dark Lord of the Cunts himself, so I'm a little pressed for the time it takes to observe the pussy footing around things to show respect." Y/N said as the king looked at him. "Tell you what, we do this and next time I come knocking, I'll show you all the fucking respect in the world, eh? After all they say respect is earned, this will more that earn it from me."

The king paused.

"Very well, the next time you visit me, I expect a bow, or you'll lose your head." Ragnuk said as Y/N smirked.

"Tease. Lead on." Y/N said as Ragnuk led Y/N to the meeting room.

6 Hours Later:

As they followed the couple out, Ragnuk was explaining how as a lord Harry could take a woman on as his wife and another woman as his concubine, of course Harry decided to put a pin in the marriage thing but he doubted he would make use of the concubine title. Ragnuk then went on to explain how Harry owned six businesses that would make him a sizable amount, and how his parents had left him even more than he thought.

That was when the will reading arrived.

"Mr Potter, I will need you to carry out a blood verifying ritual, just a formality." Ragnuk said as he withdrew a dagger, immediately Y/N readied to spring into action. "You needn't worry Mr L/N, the wound will heal when the suitable amount of blood has been given, it will only be a little prick."

"Why am I getting the feeling it isn't the only little prick around here?" Y/N remarked as Ragnuk smirked slightly.

"It would appear how you say... that I walked into that one." Ragnuk said as he gave Harry's finger a small cut and squeezed a few drops of blood into a envelope with the house Potter Crest.

However, something caught the eyes of Y/N, Minerva and Harry, on the envelope was the crest of the ministry and the Dumbledore family crest Y/N looked to Minerva who looked back at him. The two crests broke leaving only the crest of House Potter.

This is the last will and testament of Lily and James Potter, who can confirm that they are of sound mind and body.

If this is being read, then it means we are dead, so the first thing we would like to say is that we're sorry Harry, we're sorry we weren't there for you. To Sirius and Remus, we're sorry.

It is our will that once this will is read, the following orders take effect.

1: We wish for a yearly amount of 250, 000 galleons be placed into the vaults of Sirius Orion Black, Remus Lupin, and Garrick Orion Dangerson - L/N.

2: We hope for our alliances to remain intact. Our alliances are as followed: House Black, House L/N, House Weasley, House Greengrass.

3: We leave the the contents of the family vault to our son Harry, we also leave our properties six houses, consisting a manor up in Scotland, Lily cousin's townhouse on Baker Street, a mansion in France, a private resort on an island, a small castle in Germany, and an estate in America. 

4: Harry is to be given his rightful place as Lord of the Ancient and Noble house of Potter, and that when he comes of age he is to be given the family position on the Wizengamot.

Our Son Harry, in the events of our deaths is to be looked after by either of his godparents, his Godfather Sirius Orion Black, and his Godmother, Alice Longbottom. If neither of these two are available then he is to be raised by Remus Lupin, The Greengrass Family, or the Weasley Family.


As the reading went on, Harry was presented with a ring with the insignia of Gryffindor. The Goblin King explained how Harry was the last relative of Godric Gryffindor.

"Ragnuk, why was this will not read? Why did Dumbledore and the ministry try to hide it?" Y/N asked as the elf king looked at him.

"This I do not know Mr Y/N." Ragnuk said he looked at Y/N who paused for a moment, looking at Harry...

"Mr L/N, I must ask that you and Professor McGonagall to stand outside while I go over the accounts with Lord Potter." Ragnuk said as he looked at Y/N who calmly nodded, he and McGonagall stepped out of the room...

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