The Dementors Vengeance...

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Y/N was asleep in his, Bella, and Sirius' cell, the three of them trying to get a good nights sleep until the door opened revealing one of the human guards of Azkaban, she looked in at Y/N with a look of hatred before a Dementor stalked in, floating towards him, followed by five more. The Dementors immediately began feeding him as he tried to use occlumency to defend his mind but was struggling, Sirius and Bellatrix went to intervene but six guards all rushed in and pinned them both down.

Y/N tried to think of a way out of the situation, he crawled away from his bed as the dementors feasted on him and towards the woman who opened the door, grabbing her wand and turning, casting a patronus the sent all six of the dementors fleeing, he turned the wand on the woman before turning and pointing it at the other six guards that were holding Bellatrix and Sirius down.

"Get out!" Y/N said coldly as he kept the wand raised, fighting the urge to fall into the grips of unconsciousness, Bellatrix looked at him, as did Sirius. "NOW!"

They all left, with Y/N throwing the wand away knowing it was fruitless to keep it when he would be searched in the morning as part of the inevitable investigation into the incident.

"Why the fuck did you just try to have me killed?" Y/N asked the guard as he grabbed her by the throat and pinned her against the railing out on the landing over a big enough drop to cause some damage.

"You killed my Son last week!"

"He started it! He knew what he was getting into!" Y/N said coldly as he looked her in the eyes, she went to hit him but he pushed her off of the landing, sending her falling down onto a table below as guards all rushed to Y/N's locations, along with at least 15 dementors. He held his hands up and sighed.

"L/N, with me, you're going to the Governors office!"

Y/N was handcuffed and led away by the guards as Dementors began to feed on him along the way. 

As he arrived at the governors office he sighed, walking through the door and into Mister Glovers office.

"Well, first day back and you're already back to your old habits I see L/N?"

"I was defending myself." Y/N stated as the governor looked at him.

"Against who? Who attacked you?"

"A guard, she opened the door and allowed six dementors to feed on me while six guards held my cellmates back from intervening."

"If that's true, why didn't you call for help?"

"I didn't get the chance, before I knew it Gimp the guard here and his mates had set up this kangaroo court and the sentence has clearly already been decided before you could say Pontius Pilate. Tell me my sentence already." Y/N said as he looked at the Governor who thought for a moment.

"You'll be spending 2 weeks in solitary confinement in the hole. On your way." The Governor ordered as Y/N was escorted away, once again being hounded by dementors until he was thrown into a dark room, with no sound, no light and no facilities apart from a hole in the ground, its use was obvious...

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