An Unexpected Summer

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Y/N arrived at Hermione's house, checking the time to see it was 11:30 PM. 

"Psst, Hermione!" Y/N whisper shouted.

There was no reply.

"Hermione!" Y/N called to her as quietly as he dared speak. "Fucking might as well be shouting Juliet the good this is doing... Juliet! Juliet!"

Again, no answer.

"Hermione!" Y/N whisper shouted again. There was no reply. He looked around before raising his wand. A bright light emerged from the tip of his wand and took the form of a sparrow before flying through Hermione's bedroom window and hovering over her bed. He saw a bedside lamp come on and her shadow move.

Hermione watched as the small sparrow shaped light flew out of the window, unimpeded by the glass. As she reached the window, Hermione saw Y/N standing there.

"Y/N?" Hermione muttered to herself as she opened the window. "What are you doing here?"

"I need to speak with you, it's important." Y/N said as Hermione thought for a moment before nodding, Y/N climbed up to Hermione's window and sat on the windowsill.

"What is it?" Hermione asked.

"Reminisceum." Y/N cast, Hermione looked at him. "Better?"

Hermione looked at him before slapping him across the face.

"What did you do that for?!" Y/N asked as Hermione looked at him.

"Ask before you test out your new spells on me!" Hermione whispered.

"I wasn't testing, I knew it would work, I used it on someone else to make sure. Besides, it was for your own good." Y/N said as Hermione looked at him with her eyebrows raised. "Look, that spell restores memories erased by the obliviate charm.

"Why did you see fit to use it on me?"

"Because Lockhart altered your memories." Y/N said as Hermione paused for a moment, like she had just realised something.

"He came to visit me when I was petrified! That... fraudulent..."

"Fucker, I know, don't worry, he and I had a nice little chat about the matter and he's promised not to do it, ever again." Y/N said as he checked his watch. "Look, I haven't got much time left before I'm taken home, but I wanted to make sure that you had all of your memories back."

Hermione smiled and looked at him, noticing he wasn't smiling back.

"Do me a favour, check in on Harry from time to time." Y/N said as he looked at Hermione who grew confused.

"Can't you-"

"I might not be able to this summer." Y/N said as he looked her in the eyes before he looked down the street to see aurors. "Be seeing you Hermione."

Y/N climbed down from Hermione's bedroom window and put up a ward on it to ensure she couldn't see what was about to happen.

As he walked towards the aurors he recognised them. Kingsley Shacklebolt, Alastor Moody, Rufus Scrimgeour, and two other Aurors who Y/N didn't know the names of but recognised.

"Gentlemen, I'm guessing you don't want a pint before we go?" Y/N said as they all looked at him. "Thought not. I come quietly."

Y/N approached Scrimgeour and held his hands out to be handcuffed but the man looked at him and grabbed his wrist before they all apparated away...

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