A Warning

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"So what do you want to talk about?" Y/N asked his mother as they walked alongside one another.

"I'll be staying at Hogwarts to watch the duelling tournament, and then your father, your siblings and myself will visit throughout the year."


"Because there is something coming this year, the Triwizard tournament." Genesis said as Y/N paused for a moment.

"Oh. But why are you coming to watch it. I won't take part in that." Y/N said as his mother smiled.

"No, but I'm working on finding out more about what this tournament will entail, perhaps you can use the information to help someone who does take part in it." Genesis answered as Y/N sighed.

"And that's the only reason you're visiting?"

"Y/N, I know you hate me and your father, and I know why, I underst-"

"No you don't. If you did you would have spoken up."

"I just want to try and fix things between us all Y/N. If I can do that and watch that swine Lucius be humiliated, even better."

"That might be the only thing you and I have in common." Y/N said as his mother looked at him.

"Our whole family wants to see Lucius suffer for what he did to Rem-"

"Don't, don't say her name to me." Y/N said as he looked his mother in the eyes.

"You can run from what happened to Remiella all you like, but it won't bring her back."

"Remy didn't deserve it, any of it, she didn't deserve to be born into this cursed family." Y/N said as he looked out of the window.

"Then avenge her. It may not be justice, but it's the best we have, humiliate him, and his son in the tournament." Genesis said as Y/N sighed.

"I didn't need any motivation to fight Draco for a win. But thank you. Now if you'll excuse me." Y/N said as he went to leave only for his mother to speak.

"So, Greengrass, Weasley, and... who is the muggleborn?"

"None of your business, you leave them alone. Understand?!" Y/N said firmly as his mother looked at him.

"As you wish my dear." Genesis said as Y/N left, heading to the Great Hall.

Y/N walked in and Ginny saw his eyes filled with anger, as did Hermione and Daphne. McGonagall who was talking with Harry looked up and noticed Y/N was angry, more so than she had seen him in a long time.

"Mr L/N, whatever has put you in this mood?"

"My mother." Y/N said as he sat down and poured some butterbeer into his goblet before chugging it down.

"What did she do to make you so angry?" Hermione asked.

"Oh you know, she opened her mouth, and breathed." Y/N said as Hermione sighed.

"What is it with you and your mother?"

"It's a long story, the short version, she's an evil, twisted, bitter bitch." Y/N remarked as Daphne approached and sat next to Y/N.

"Well your moods not going to be much better after I tell you some news." Harry remarked.

"If you told me Bellatrix Lestrange was waiting outside for me with a knife, I guarantee, my mood would be better than it is after I've just spoken to my mother.

"I heard Draco bragging to his friends in the corridors, apparently he's found himself betrothed to a new girl."


"BASTARD!" Daphne yelled as she looked at the papers and saw Draco in a photo with his father, on Draco's arm was Astoria, Daphne's little sister in the year below.

Y/N looked at the paper.

"FUCKING CUNT!" Y/N shouted as he read the paper. "I wish Bellatrix Lestrange was here, because then I could try and persuade her to cut that fuckers little dicklet off and staple it to his head so that everyone knows, he's a nobhead!"

Harry looked at Y/N.

"Mr L/N-" McGonagall said sternly.

"I mean it professor. Him and his father are the worst humans imaginable. His mother is the only good thing about that family." Y/N said as he growled to himself, he looked to Hermione, then Daphne, then Ginny. "I need to cool off, I'm going to our room."

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