Giving A Warning...

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Y/N and Harry were walking through the corridor discussing what they knew about the first challenge, Y/N had warned Wednesday and Fleur about the Dragons, and now he and Harry were going to warn Cedric. As they walked through the corridors they could see people wearing badges calling Y/N and Harry cheats and saying they stink, some wore badges calling Y/N a criminal, or calling Y/N a liar and blood-traitor, though they were rare thanks to Snape taking them off of people and giving them a detention. Snape appeared to be keeping an eye on Y/N, like he was tailing him.

Y/N and Harry walked to the garden courtyard passing more students with the badges. A student shoved Y/N as they walked past.

"Watch it... L/N." The student said as Harry paused and turned to look at the student who had insulted Y/N. "Hey, Potter. What's it like having a best mate who's a criminal, look at him the pathetic blood traitor."

Harry had a half smile with a look more akin to one of disbelief than joy, he slowly and subtly shifted his weight onto the back foot.

Y/N was talking to Fleur, asking her advice on a matter he suspected she would know about, ignoring the loud crack of a bone breaking, murmurs of students who saw the incident

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Y/N was talking to Fleur, asking her advice on a matter he suspected she would know about, ignoring the loud crack of a bone breaking, murmurs of students who saw the incident.

"Never insult my friends." Harry said coldly and calmly.

"I'm zorry about zose 'orrible badges people are wearing." Fleur said as Y/N smiled and nodded. "And just be yourzelf."

"Thank you. That means...that means a lot." Y/N said as Fleur looked at him and brushed her hand on his arm momentarily like she was trying to lift his spirits. "Anyway, sorry to dash but me and Harry have a meeting so um..."

"I'll be in zee library eef you want to talk later or need any advise?" Fleur asked as Y/N thought about it for a minute before nodding.

"Harry Potter! Detention!" A Teacher's voice called out as Harry turned around.

"Worth it!" Potter called out as Y/N turned back to Fleur.

"Um, yes, yeah, sure. I'll...I'll stop by later." Y/N said as Fleur nodded. Y/N looked over to Harry walking over and looked over Potter's shoulder to see a seventh year student holding what looked to be at least a broken nose and a busted lip, his top lip covered in blood from both the broken nose and the cut on it.

 Y/N looked over to Harry walking over and looked over Potter's shoulder to see a seventh year student holding what looked to be at least a broken nose and a busted lip, his top lip covered in blood from both the broken nose and the cut on it

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"What was all that about?" Y/N asked as Harry looked at him.

"Apparently it's against school rules to chin a seventh year for picking on a fourth year." Harry said as He and Y/N continued walking. 

"Red tape eh." Y/N joked as Harry let out a small laugh. As Y/N and Harry tried to go through a doorway a group of students tried to block them off, showing them the badges and the potter stinks badges.

"Excuse me." Harry said, trying to remain calm, eventually he just shoved past them.

Y/N went to get past but the students still blocked him off and offered more resistance.

"We let Harry past easy because Dumbledore wouldn't like it if we hurt the chosen one, but you. No one would care if a criminal scumbag like you got cursed." The students said as Y/N sighed.

"Excuse me." Y/N said as the students laughed. "I asked nicely."

"Let me past." Y/N said as he subtly moved his hand to his wand.

"Or wh-" Before the ringleader could finish he was sent flying across the courtyard, Y/N turned his wand on the girl and looked her in the eyes.

"Move, or the next spell is a killing curse." Y/N said coldly, the girl moved out of the way as Y/N walked over to Cedric and Harry.

"--They've got one for each of us." Harry explained to Cedric.

"Are you serious?"

"Deadly." Y/N answered.

"And, um...Fleur, Wednesday, and Krum, do they...?"

"Y/N told them just before he joined up with me." Harry stated as Y/N nodded.

"Okay. Hey listen. About the badges, I've told them not to wear them but--"

"It's fine

As Y/N and Harry were about to leave, Harry spotted Ron and approached him for a confrontation, Y/N took a deep breath before he couldn't hold back he started approaching Ron, that was when Crabbe went to cast flipendo on Y/N who saw it out of the corner of his eye, drawing his wand in an instant and turning on his heel like it was a James Bond Gun barrel, used protego to block the spell before using Depulso on the boy.

He looked and saw Goyle had drawn his wand but before the boy could cast a spell Y/N had disarmed him with a non-verbal Expelliarmus. The whole courtyard looked on as Y/N shook his head.

"Word of advice, the next time you want to try and take me on... don't." Y/N said as he started leaving with Harry, glaring at Ron who tried to glare back and be intimidating, but it was not really having his desired effect...

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