Preparing For The Feast...

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Y/N was holding Bellatrix, his right hand rubbing her back soothingly. The door opened and Sirius returned.

"How are you Bella?" Sirius asked as Bellatrix looked at him.

"I'm fine now. I just... I just need some rest." Bellatrix said as Y/N nodded, he stood up and Sirius left. "Wait, Y/N, can you... can you stay with me, just for a bit?"

"... of course." Y/N said calmly as he moved over to her. "You need a hug?"

Bellatrix nodded.

"But I'm warning you young man, no funny business." Bellatrix said with a tone that told Y/N she was smiling as she said it.

"I'm a gentleman I'll have you know." Y/N said as he heard Bella chuckle.

"Right." She said as she closed her eyes and tried to get to sleep.

A few hours later, Bellatrix woke with a start only for Y/N to calm her down.

"It's okay, you're okay, you're safe." Y/N said as he held onto Bellatrix, comforting her.

"They... they. Callahan and Ryan..."

"I know... they're gone now Bella, they're never going to hurt you or anyone else... ever again." Y/N said as he gently gave her a comforting kiss on the forehead. "Tell you what, why don't you go and get a shower, I'll help Sirius and the Elves with preparing for the feast. Hm?"

Bellatrix nodded before standing up and immediately stripping, not waiting for Y/N to leave, it was nothing he hadn't seen before. Y/N turned his back to her as he left, earning a chuckle from Bellatrix.

"He really is a gentleman." Bellatrix remarked to herself before heading into the bathroom to get a shower.

Y/N arrived at the Kitchen and set about helping with the food, washing the food that they grew on the island, and preparing the fresh meat from the pig and cow farm he had constructed, as he prepared the food Sirius approached him with his signature grin.

"So, come on, who's the lovely bird that has been keeping you up at nights?" Sirius asked as Y/N paused.

"What are you talking about old man?" Y/N chuckled as Sirius smirked.

"Harry talks in his letters you know, says you're popular among the girls of Hogwarts."

"Scarheaded little grass." Y/N muttered as Sirius smirked.

"So who is it?" Sirius asked as Y/N paused for a moment. "Anyone we know?"

"Well, you've met Hermione..."

"The bushy haired girl... bookworm from what you spoke of her in prison."

"Yes. then there's Ginny Weasley-"

"Weasley? What did her brothers have to say?"

"Ron isn't taking it well... to be honest, I don't care, he's been an arse recently, Fred and George seem to encourage it, and Percy can go and eat a buffet of dicks. We haven't had a chance to talk to Molly and Arthur." Y/N explained as Sirius shook his head. "There's Daphne Greengrass-"

"Oh I know she factors into it." Sirius said with a laugh. "You and her have practically been in love since you met."

"Thanks, I won Astoria's marriage contract off of Draco but I haven't even looked at her romantically to be honest." Y/N said as he thought about her.


"And lastly there's..." Y/N began before realising what he was about to say, Sirius raised his brow and looked at him.


"Um... I should get to finishing this food off." Y/N said as Sirius looked at him.

"It's someone I know isn't it? Who is it Y/N?"

"... Narcissa." Y/N said as Sirius' jaw dropped.

"You mean-"

"Yes, she was perfectly happy with it, in fact she was more than happy with it. Given how Lucius treats her." Y/N said as Sirius looked at him.

"Does Bellatrix know?"

"No, how am I meant to crowbar that one into conversation when she's coming down from her episode? 'Hey, sorry about your past and everything, by the way I'm fucking your little sister.'? No thanks, I like my cock and balls attached to my body thank you very much." Y/N said as Sirius looked at him.

"You need to tell her eventually, the more you put it off, the worse she'll be about it." Sirius said as Y/N nodded.

"I know, but I don't fancy telling her when she's coming down from a fucking episode." Y/N said as he looked at Sirius who nodded. "I'll tell her when we're finished our talk tonight after dinner."

"Very well." Sirius said as Y/N went back to work. "Harry said you gave Snivelus a good thrashing in front of everyone?"

"Yes. No one insults my friends and gets away with it." Y/N said calmly as he looked out of the window at the ship that was docked at the island.

"You miss your girlfriend's don't you?" Sirius asked as Y/N nodded.

"I would have brought them, but I don't want them being involved in anything that could link to an illegal action.

"You can always ask them to let us have some time to talk to one another after the feast before heading upstairs with them." Sirius said as Y/N nodded.

"True." Y/N said. "Micky."

Immediately the house elf arrived.

"Masters Black and Y/N summoned Micky?" The elf said excitedly.

"Micky, could you and... 5 other elves go to Hogwarts and invite these people to the feast please? If they accept, then please bring them here."

"Yes master Y/N." Micky said as Y/N smiled at the elf handing it a coin.

"Thank you Micky." Y/N said as the elf disappeared. "I feel I'm going to be in for a long night."

Y/N looked to Sirius for a second before they both set back to work on preparing the food for the feast...

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