6 Weeks Later...

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Y/N awoke in the hole his stomach rumbling and aching from no food, the last time he ate was two weeks ago, and it was a stale piece of bread. He was barely able to stand due to an illness he got from the water he had been provided with, his stay in the Hole being extended by a higher up in the ministry. From what he could tell, it was Umbridge. He had been so sick that the dementors didn't even go near him, not sensing any happy memories left to feed on.

Or at least that was what they could sense when they visited him.

Y/N climbed to his feet and started walking from one side of the room to the other, using the wall as support, it was almost like he was crawling along the wall.

As he reached his small corner where he had been sleeping, the door opened and revealed a group of aurors. The light behind them was blinding for Y/N who shielded his eyes with his hand.

"My goodness!" A voice said as a woman stepped forward. "Y/N, are you okay?"

"Hermione?" Y/N asked, not noticing who was talking as their voice sounded like it was miles away and his vision was still blurry.

"No, not quite, Amelia Bones." She said as Y/N looked at her.

"Ah, Bonsie..." Y/N slurred out as Amelia drew her wand, and went to illuminate the room with Lumos, but Y/N stopped her. "Do...don't."

"Okay... okay. Y/N I need to get you a doctor, right now." Amelia said as she picked him up and gasped at how light he was for his age, she carried him out of the cell and saw his state.

"I'm Fine, madam Pomfrey doesn't need to be interrupted." Y/N said deliriously as Amelia carried him.

"We're not at Hogwarts, we're taking you to St. Mungos, Adorabella Greengrass will be looking after you."

"Sleepover with Daphne... haven't had one of them in a while." Y/N said with a happy smile as his eyes were still closed.

As he was carried out of the Prison, Bellatrix and Sirius spotted him and were caught off guard by his appearance. Luckily, most of the prisoners were at work or on courtyard exercise, meaning nobody saw him in this state.

He was carried out of the prison to a carriage being pulled by Thestrals.

"There's no chance he can do whatever the minister wants in this state." Amelia said as Kingsley Shacklebolt nodded while Rufus Scrimgeour drove the carriage.

"Sirius... Sirius is innocent..." Y/N said, starting to gain his faculties back.

"Save your energy Y/N, you can talk when your better." Amelia said as Y/N looked at her.

"Susan? You sound different... less of an accent, I mean you're still a great wom- wait, Amelia... fuck."

"Ever the ladies man eh Y/N?" Amelia smiled. "Just so you know, my niece may also have a thing for you."

"Not available I'm afraid, I'd only break her heart on graduation day." Y/N said as Amelia sighed, knowing he was right, she pitied the poor boy. "Where am I?"

"On your way to St. Mungos hospital."  Kingsley stated.

"Kingsley? Wow, head of DMLE and Kingsley Shacklebolt, I'm flattered." Y/N said as Bones smiled.

"Scrimgeour is driving." Bones said as Y/N smiled.

"Consider me impressed, so what does old Fudge want this time, he wouldn't send his A-Team if it wasn't important, and you didn't sign me out, meaning this is off the records."

"That doesn't matter right now. For the time being you're going to be in Adorabella's care and we're going to be guarding you, when you're healthy, we can discuss Fudges request." Amelia said as she looked down at the boy.

"Order more like." Y/N remarked. "How is Susan? I've been a bit busy, haven't had a chance to talk with her, seen her around though, seems nice, like I remember her."

"She misses your sis... you know. We all do, Y/N, I know you want to kill everyone responsible for her death, but you need to bide your time, loosen the noose around your neck so that you can put it around theirs instead." Amelia said as Y/N scoffed.

"Bollocks. Give me my wand and the authority and every death eater from here to china would be dead or in prison. I prefer dead." Y/N said as he looked out at the stormy weather.

"Get some sleep Y/N, got to keep your strength up." Amelia said as she watched Y/N pause for a moment before closing his eyes, his mind once again drifting to Hermione, and his previous summer with her...

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