Returning To Gringotts...

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As Y/N returned to Hogwarts, he was reading the information Amelia had given him, looking for anything that might help him figure out where in the shack Voldemort would hide Gaunt's ring. As he walked through the corridors Harry approached him.

"Y/N, can I talk to you for a moment?" Harry asked as Y/N looked up at him for a moment hesitating as he thought. "It's about Sirius."

Harry knew he had Y/N's attention as the boy closed the folder and looked up at him.

"What about Sirius, is he okay?" Y/N asked with clear worry.

"He told me something in his last letter, and I want... I need to know if you knew what he told me as well."

"What did he tell you? If it's how babies are made then yes I know about the birds and the bees-"

"He told me about my family, about the House of Potter." Harry said as Y/N looked at him.

"I'd have thought you knew that already, kind of why I never brought it up, you should have been told on your first visit to Gringotts. I just thought that like Sirius described your dad you weren't too anxious to proclaim your heritage to the world or something like that... Dumbledore."

"What about him..."

"He's your magical guardian, or at least that's what I've known... that bastard." Y/N muttered as Harry looked at him. "Go to Professor McGonagall, she can organize a meeting with the goblins."

"And you?" Harry said as he looked confused.

"I need to go and make sure Hermione and Ginny know I'll be busy tonight. They'll have to have dinner without me." Y/N said as he left.

Minerva McGonagall was working at her desk, marking homework when a knock came at the door.

"Enter." She called out as she looked up from her desk, the door opened to reveal Harry. "Mr Potter, how may I help you."

"Um... Y/N sent me here, he said you could organize a meeting with the goblins?" Harry said as McGonagall looked at him for a moment. "I was asking him about my titles and he just said that I should come and see you?"

McGonagall paused for a moment before thinking why Y/N would want her specifically to organize a meeting between Him, Harry, and the Goblins, and then it hit her. Y/N had uncovered something that possibly required a higher authority within the goblin community.

"Very well." McGonagall said gravely as she immediately wrote a note and wrapped it around a galleon before tossing it into her fire place, the fire turned a pure gold colour before a face appeared in the flames.

"We have received your request for an audience with The King Ragnuk, please confirm."


"Name please?

"Minerva McGonagall." Minerva said as Y/N arrived.

"Y/N, what's going on, why is there a big emergency?"

"Harry, this is serious, if someone's been trying to keep you from taking up your rightful titles, then that means someone is trying to interfere on your parents will and that... well that's not good for you or me."

"Why isn't it good for you?"

"Because it makes my job of getting you through all of this alive harder, it means someone's after you, someone powerful enough to mess with the last will and testament of your parents." Y/N said as Minerva joined them.

"Request confirmed please use the provided Floo chute." 

The fire spat out a piece of paper and three coins, each one was gold and had a picture of a pot of powder on one side and on the other was flaming fireplace.

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