Arrival At Azkaban

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Y/N was accompanied through the halls of Azkaban prison by six guards, he was now wearing the prisoners uniform, the doors opened and the prisoners all looked at him as he walked onto the cell block, looking around as he started walking past all of the prisoners, most of whom looked at him as he walked past.

"All right."


"Keep moving towards your cell L/N." The guard ordered as Y/N continued walking until he found his cell, where he was met by two people with black hair.

"You'll be working on making fishing nets tomorrow, the muggle way." Said the guard, Y/N turned to look at the guard who had escorted him.

"Thank you, I'm afraid I haven't got any money for the fair or tip."  Y/N joked as the guard left, leaving Y/N in the cell, he turned to look at the two people. "Bellatrix... Sirius..."

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Y/N looked at them both, on looks alone, one would assume that they were both insane

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Y/N looked at them both, on looks alone, one would assume that they were both insane. Bellatrix looked to be around 41-43 years old, and prison hadn't done any her looks any favours, though years of Prison, or as Y/N sometimes referred to it, "Doing Porridge" ages people. However, he would be hard pressed to say she was hideous, there was a hint of her clear former beauty under everything, Bellatrix had a stern look on her face.

Y/N's eyes then moved to Sirius, who looked to be in his early 30s, on looks alone one would surmise he was around 32/33.

However, Y/N knew most people would be wrong on both counts, knowing Bellatrix was only 39 years old and Sirius was 31. One might wonder just how Y/N knew this information, and Y/N preferred that people be kept wondering, after all, he didn't talk about it with one of his closest friends Hermione, why would he share it with anyone else?

As he looked to Sirius he noted that the man also had a stern look on his face. 

Y/N took a deep breath before smiling, launching himself to hug them both, cheering and laughing as they all shared a deep embrace.

"It worked then?" Bellatrix asked as Y/N nodded.

"Like a charm. Should have heard Sirius laughing at Astoria. 'she's found another man Y/N.' Bella, it was brilliant!" Y/N said with a laugh as Bellatrix laughed at Y/N's impression of Astoria.

"So, what was it like, the freedom." Sirius asked as Y/N smiled.

"Amazing, got to watch the Footie, 1991 - 92 FA Cup Final."

"Who won?" Sirius asked as Y/N smirked.

"Liverpool." Y/N said with a smile. "2 - 0 against Sunderland."

Sirius smiled.

"I also paid Harry a visit, after reading his letters to me. Sirius, I would happily kill those Dursleys and do the time for it." Y/N said as the man looked at him. "They put bars on his window, they were starving him."

"If I ever get out..."

"I helped him escape them, at least for the rest of the summer."

"You did?" Sirius asked with a hint of gratitude.

"Took him out for his 16th birthday, the Leaky Cauldron." Y/N said as Sirius looked at him with baited breath.

"And...? What happened?" Sirius asked as Y/N paused.

"I can't remember much after that, apart from the following morning." Y/N said as Sirius burst out laughing. "We woke up in an alleyway where our friend Hermione found us and she took us to the Leaky Cauldron where Professor McGonagall was waiting."

Sirius started laughing again at the thought of Y/N and Harry hungover facing McGonagall and from Y/N's description of Granger, facing Hermione as well.

"Harry spent the rest of the summer at the burrow, while I spent the rest of the summer at Grangers." Y/N said as Sirius smiled.

"Did you cop off with Granger or anyone else for your 16th?" Sirius asked as Y/N paused.

"What? No, Granger only sees me as a friend. Daphne did offer to take me to our abandoned classroom and to fuck, but I said no." Y/N said as Sirius looked at him. "I did, I said no, besides, there were more pressing matters. Like a Basilisk and the Chamber of Secrets."

"You found it?!" Bellatrix said with shock and awe.

"Found it, killed it, and it's master. He's using Horcruxes." Y/N said as he looked at Sirius who was shocked. "I won't be going to Hogwarts this year, I need to destroy those Horcruxes before Moldyshorts comes back."

Bellatrix looked at Y/N.

"Y/N, are you mad?! You can't take on the Dark Lord by yourself." Bellatrix said as Y/N smirked.

"Less people means less chance of being caught and less people for the horcruxes to influence, besides, I know how to destroy them." Y/N said as he climbed onto the top bunk of the bed.

"Y/N... be careful, yes? We haven't spent all this time keeping you alive just so that you can die." Bellatrix said as Sirius looked to Y/N.

"No, that's more Dumbledore's thing." Y/N said as he closed his eyes.

"How... how is Draco?"

"He's becoming even more like...Lucius. He called Granger, that word." Y/N said as Bellatrix let out a pained sigh. "I sent a message with the house elf Dobby to Narcissa, I just hope her silence means she preparing to teach Draco to be a human being."

"And Andromeda?"

"I didn't get to see Andi, or Nymmie. But from what I've heard, Nym is training to be an Auror, and from whispers on the way through the ministry, Andi is doing well for herself." Y/N said as he lay on his bunk. "So, how have things been in here?"

"That Bill Ashe fella you sent here, couldn't you have just killed him instead? He's annoying me to insanity." Bellatrix stated.

"He's still alive, wow." Y/N remarked with a whistle.

"We've got a few new prisoners, one named Mac, black fella, Scottish, afro, he's a bit of an hard case, stuck a screws head through the fridge last week." Bellatrix said as Y/N nodded. "And then there's Leonardo, most just call him Len or Leo, Muggle born lad, 21, first time in stir."

"God help him." Y/N remarked as he got comfortable in his bed just as the door slammed shut and the lights outside went dark. "Lights out. God, I haven't missed that whatsoever."

He went to sleep and tried to think about something else, reminding himself that surviving in prison is just a state of mind...

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