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Y/N, Harry and Ron were in divination class and Trelawney was going through her usual speech about the subject. Ron, being Ron, had fallen asleep in class, he was snoring like an Albanian field wench.

"Broaden your minds. You must look beyond. The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the inner eye. Only then can you see." Trelawney said as she began approaching Y/N's table. "Now, what do we have here, hmm?"

Y/N felt a shuffle next to him and saw Hermione.

"Oh, do you mind me trying?" Hermione asked as Trelawney smiled and nodded. "The Grim...possibly."

"My dear, from the first moment you stepped foot in my class, I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination." Trelawney said as Y/N tried to back up in his chair thinking that there was going to be a hideous 'accident' involving Hermione, Trelawney, and one of the crystal balls. Trelawney observed the palm of Hermione's left hand. "No, you see, there? Ah, you may be young in years, but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shrivelled as an old maid's. Your soul, as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave, mm-hmm."

Hermione stood up and knocked the crystal ball off the table before grabbing her bag and walking out of the class.

Trelawney looked confused.

"Have I said something?" She asked as Y/N looked at her.

"Yes, and as per usual, it was all complete and utter Thestral shite." Y/N said calmly before continuing with his studying.

When the class ended Y/N, Ron, and Harry were all walking down from the divination tower talking about the lesson.

"She's gone mental. Hermione has. I mean, not that she wasn't always mental, but now it's out in the open for everyone to see." Ron said as Y/N spotted an escape from having to argue with Ron yet again, it was the crystal ball that Hermione had knocked over, it had rolled a good distance down the stairs.

"Hang on." Harry said as he picked it up.

"We had better take that back." Y/N stated.

"I'm not going back." Ron declared as both Harry and Y/N sighed.

"Fine, we'll see you later." Harry said as he and Y/N went up back up to the divination tower. On the way up Harry told Y/N about losing the Marauders Map to Lupin and that he had seen Peter Pettigrew's name walking about on the map.

"You saw him, walking about?" Y/N asked as he looked at Harry who nodded.


"That's why Sirius and Bellatrix are taking an interest in the school, they're looking for Pettigrew." Y/N surmised.

When they reached Trelawney's classroom Y/N could hear Trelawney but he couldn't see her, Harry put the crystal ball back on the desk and went to leave but he noticed something, Y/N turned to see what the delay was and saw Sirius Blacks face in the crystal ball, he heard a voice whispering to Harry, just whispering Potters name over and over again. They were both entranced by the crystal ball until they felt hands gripping their shoulders and a gasp, the two turned on their heels to see Trelawney.

"Professor Trelawney." Harry began before Trelawney cut him off, her usual voice now sounded like it was multiple eerie voices.

"He will return tonight." Trelawney said as Y/N's interest was piqued.

"Sorry?" Harry asked.

"Tonight, he who betrayed his friends, whose heart rots with murder, shall break free. Innocent blood shall be spilt, and Servant and Master shall be reunited once mooooooorrrrrre." Trelawny choked and coughed after finishing her sentence as Y/N looked concerned while Harry looked slightly scared. Y/N slowly reached to the Professors hand and took it from Harry's shoulder.

"Damn it woman, you've lost it!" Y/N said as he backed up from her. Trelawney looked at Harry and Y/N like she'd only just noticed them both.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, my boys. Did one of you say something?" Trelawney asked as Harry backed away before briskly walking out of the class and waiting outside by the door for Y/N.

"Professor, do you know how you found us just now?" Y/N asked, once again in his cautious tone.

"Um, no, why?"

"You told me and Harry a prophecy about Sirius Black, and you startled Harry." Y/N said as Trelawney tried to remember it.

"No, I don't recall it." She said as Y/N nodded. He bade farewell to the professor before he himself briskly left the class and joined Harry in speed walking away from the classroom...

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