Quiet Celebrations...

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Y/N and Harry arrived at the Leaky Cauldron in London.

"Could you really tell something was up from the mail?" Harry asked as Y/N nodded.

"Yeah. I know what a letter that's been forcibly dictated looks like." Y/N said as Harry looked at him for a second before Y/N opened the door. As the two boys walked in Harry noticed Y/N was being eyed up by people in the pub. "Here, ask for what you want, if it's legal that is. Why don't you get yourself a butterbeer?"

"What about you?"

"I can't stay, but there are people who will be coming. Harry... enjoy yourself."

"Why can't you stay?" Harry asked as Y/N paused for a moment.

"Let's just say I have to get home before my parents notice." Y/N said as he looked to Harry before thinking for a moment. "...alright, maybe a drink or two."

Two Drinks Later... ish:

"Thank you for helping me away from them Y/N." Harry said sentimentally.

"You drunk off of Butterbeer? That stuffs alcohol percentage is so low it's not considered alcohol." Y/N asked as Harry shrugged.

"I mean it." Harry said as Y/N scoffed.

"Shut up." Y/N said with a smile.

"I mean, I've met a lot of crazy, crazy people, but you Y/N..."

"I've met a lot of crazy, crazy people." The patron to Y/N's right said, mocking Harry.

"Will you shut up?" Y/N said to the man.

"Will you shut up?" the Patron mocked him.

"Be quiet, mate." Y/N said, the irritation his voice was clear.

"They're dullards. Merlin's beard... you men are dull..."

"Leave this idiot alone." Harry said, knowing that Y/N's tone was a warning sign.

""Leave the idiot alone". People been leaving me alone for the last ten years. I'm bored with being left alone."

"Look, Mate... you're a charming fellow... one of the best. But me and the kid here, we're trying to talk business, so, could you... possibly leave us alone? No offense intended." Y/N said as he swallowed his rage and tried to be diplomatic.

"No pleasing some people. I was, just... trying to be friendly." The man said as he walked away.

And... Y/N and Harry drank till they drop.

"That's great, Lad." Y/N said to a man playing the piano. Y/N was about to talk to Harry only to find that suddenly Harry had disappeared. "Harry, where are you? You know which way my friend went? Hey, you seen my friend anywhere? You seen that fella I was with? Can't find my friend, you know where he went? What are you doing, Mate?"

Y/N found Harry on the second floor.

"Hello, Y/N. You know what... I don't know." Harry said as He dropped his butterbeer tankard. Y/N laughed.

"Well, why haven't you had a girlfriend?

"No one would have me. That's the thing you see, 'cause it... Harreh? Harreh!" Y/N called out, his speech getting more slurred thanks to the drink, he'd have to ask Tom if he'd been putting more alcohol in these butterbeers, his thoughts however were interrupted.

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