Birthday (2/2)

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Y/N and his friends were all in the three broomsticks, with Madam Rosmerta providing food and drink for them all with the volunteer help of the Hogwarts house Elves, meanwhile Y/N was receiving his presents from his friends, shocked by the concept of receiving presents.

Y/N read the card from Hermione who smiled.

I know I said the jacket was your present, but I wanted to give you something to open on your Birthday. Have a great day, Hermione Jean Granger :)

Y/N smiled at Hermione as he leaned over and hugged her, feeling butterflies in his stomach slightly. He opened the present to see a broom care kit. Hermione smiled shyly as Y/N leaned over and hugged her tight, thanking her.

Y/N opened the next one, this one was from Daphne who smirked and winked at her Ex-Husband. He looked at the present and chuckled upon seeing what Daphne had got him. It was a watch with a small bracer for his watch.

"You mentioned it being broken." Daphne remarked with a smirk as she looked at him. "Besides, I promised you a new one three years ago. Kept you waiting, huh?"

"Thanks Daph." Y/N said as Daphne nodded to him.

He opened the next one, this was from Harry, it was a pile of sweets.

"More for you to throw at Ron." Harry remarked as Ron smiled before realising what was said.

"Oi!" Ron complained as they all had a small laugh at Ron's expense.

Y/N opened the next one, this being from Ron, as he opened it he saw a packet of fudge and a bottle of butterbeer.

"The greatest gift of all, drink." Y/N said as they rolled their eyes at him.

Astoria Greengrass was positively bouncing in her seat, earning a chuckle from Y/N.

"Do mine next, do mine next." Astoria said as Y/N smiled and picked up the present from Astoria to see a photo, it was of Y/N, Astoria, Daphne, and Draco Malfoy when they were younger, much younger, Y/N still had his youth in his eyes, he barely recognised himself without the scars anymore.

There was a long silence as Y/N looked at the photo, the memories of those day hitting him like a truck.

"Thank you, Astoria, thank you very much." Y/N said as he got up and enveloped her in a hug, Astoria returned the gesture and as Y/N took his arms from around her, she was still clinging on to him. "Daph?"

"Nope, you knew the risk of hugging her, you know what she's like with you." Daphne said as Y/N looked at her.


"Stori, off Y/N, he has to open the rest of his presents."

"No." Astoria said adamantly as she clung to Y/N.

"Stori, come on, Y/N needs to open his presents. Astor- Is she falling asleep?!" Daphne said as she heard a faint snore.

"No, she is asleep, every time I hug her she either clings to me like a Koala or falls asleep on me." Y/N said as Daphne chuckled, looking at her baby sister.

"Lucky girl." Hermione remarked under her breath, Ginny managed to hear it and looked at Hermione jealously.

 "You're lucky, Y/N. I thought she was gonna name her teddy bear after her human teddy bear."

"I am not a human teddy bear-"

"Difficult to prove when she's like this. Aww." Daphne said, half snarky, and half genuinely. "She's missed you Y/N, we all have. Mum and dad, they wish they could bring you home to live at the manor."

The room was quiet as Y/N smiled at Daphne.

"In that case, I'd best make up for all the cuddles I apparently owe Stori." Y/N said as he sat down on his chair, with Stori cuddling into his shoulder.

Ron looked confused.

"Are you dating your exes little sister?" Ron asked as Y/N looked at him before grabbing one of the sweets Harry had given him and threw it at the red headed boy.

"No. Just... me and Stori are close."

Daphne smiled.

"My little sister has always seen Y/N more as a teddy bear than a human. Isn't that right Stori?"

Astoria broke the hug and walked back to her seat, with Daphne smirking.

"Better?" Daphne asked as Astoria nodded.

"Sorry everyone, been a while since I got to do that." Astoria said as Hermione and Ginny were looking at her and each other jealously.

That night, after the party, Y/N and his friends returned to Hogwarts with Daphne stopping him.

"Stori, go to bed." Daphne said as Astoria nodded, leaving.

Hermione and the other Gryffindors turned to look at him, excluding Harry who was walking with Cho.

"Are you coming Y/N?" Hermione asked as Y/N looked to her and then to Ginny and then Daphne before speaking.

"Yeah." Y/N said as Daphne looked at him. "Sorry Daph, but I can't do this thing with you, it's-"

"I know, I was going to suggest that when we were done, I just thought, you know."

"Yeah, hey, we're still friends." Y/N said as Daphne nodded immediately.

"I'm with you till the end Y/N." Daphne said as Y/N smiled. "See you round, Gryffindor."

"You had to Slyther-in that one didn't you." Y/N punned as Daphne drew her wand, sending a stinging hex at him, earning a laugh from him as he left, heading back to Gryffindor tower... 

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