The Ties That Bind...

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Y/N was in the shower, thinking about what he had just done, killed a troll by blowing it's brains out, however, his thoughts on the troll were quickly cast aside by what date it was today, it had been nagging him all day, October 31st. Y/N took a deep breath, letting the water run over him, he closed his eyes before he heard the door close, immediately he tuned the shower off and started drying himself off before putting on some fresh clothes, he stepped out of the shower stall and walked into the common room, running his hand over his face as he tried to clear the memories of that day six years ago.

Y/N walked up to a small table and took some the last remnants of the feast that had been served in the common room, taking a few mini sausage rolls, some chicken pasta, and a pizza slice.

As he sat down with his food Y/N heard footsteps behind him, he turned to see Hermione already wearing her pyjamas and holding a book that looked like it weighed a ton.

"Evening Granger, you okay?"

"Fine thanks, still a bit..." Hermione paused to think.

"Shaken?" Y/N suggested as Hermione nodded.

"Yes." Hermione said as she walked over to a nearby armchair, sitting near the fire with a book, holding the book up to her face to hide a small blush.

"It gets easier eventually, though I don't know whether that's a good thing or not." Y/N said as he looked at his meal.

"You sound like killing was nothing new for you." Hermione said as Y/N thought for a moment.

"Well I didn't get these scars falling over in church." Y/N remarked as he looked at her with a kind smile before eating a fork full of food.

"Then how did you get them?" Hermione asked as Y/N paused for a moment, just taking another fork full of food into his mouth.

"It's a while ago now. I don't want to talk about it." Y/N said as Hermione nodded.

"Sorry if I pried-"

"It's fine. People see the scars and naturally want to ask, it's just that I naturally don't want to answer." Y/N said as he took another fork full.

"How's the pasta?"

"Amazing. Much better than... home." Y/N said as he thought about his near slip up.

Y/N went silent for a moment.

"Thank you, for sticking up to Ron today, and for saving my life from a troll." Hermione said as Y/N gave a calm smile, Hermione looked at him and blushed.

"What are friends for?" Y/N said charmingly as Hermione beamed at having Y/N as her friend. "Friends?"

"Friends." Hermione said with a smile...

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