Meeting With McGonagall...

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The next morning, Y/N was summoned to Professor McGonagall's classroom, upon his arrival he saw the professor pouring a small cup of tea out for herself, there were two plates with some toasted teacakes on.

"You wanted to see me Professor?" Y/N asked as Professor McGonagall looked up at him

"Yes, please, have a seat." McGonagall said as Y/N sat down. "Help yourself to some food Y/N, we may be here for some time, I appreciate you may miss the opening to your first lesson, but I feel you wouldn't care for it anyway."

"Yeah, divination is a sore point for me." Y/N said calmly before he moved to take a toasted teacake.

"I want to get the unpleasant topic out of the way first, Spain... tell me why you were there please."

"The minister offered me my freedom if I brought in two bounties, offered 100, 000 galleons."

"Who were these bounties?"

"James Ryan, and Thomas Callahan." Y/N answered as he thought about his time abroad recently. McGonagall's face dropped.

"Did... did you get them?"

"Yes, I killed them both." Y/N said as McGonagall looked at him and... smiled. She pulled Y/N into a hug.

"Thank you, Mr L/N. You've no idea what good news that is to hear." McGonagall said as Y/N looked at her.

"Professor? I don't...unders- did they-"

"My niece. She'll be overjoyed to hear that. I hope those men are rotting somewhere." McGonagall said as Y/N looked at her.

"I'm sorry about your niece." Y/N said as he looked at the Professor who nodded appreciatively.

"I'm also aware that you had your own personal reason to want them both dead."

"Yes, they got to Bellatrix, when I had them in Spain, they laughed about it, laughed about how Bellatrix screamed... she screamed my name, calling for me." Y/N said as McGonagall nodded. "Now, with Bellatrix and Sirius acting like they did..."

Y/N paused, thinking about his time with the two cell mates he once held close.

"I can only imagine what must be going through your head right now Y/N... but you must promise me that you won't go rushing head first into danger just in the name of revenge." McGonagall said as Y/N looked at her.

"Be honest with me Professor, what else am I meant to do? That's all I can do nowadays, rush into danger with the hope I find something big enough to kill me." Y/N said as he thought for a moment. "I can't even get close to people because I know I will have to lose them come graduation."


"It's true professor, I'm expendable, I have been since I was eight years old, even longer if you count the time it took to make me expendable-"

"YOU ARE NO SUCH THING!" McGonagalls voice boomed, catching Y/N off guard. "You listen to me Y/N L/N, and listen well. You are many things, while not all of them are good, one thing you are not is expendable. You're not expendable to me, to Miss Greengrass, to Mr Potter, to Miss Granger, to Miss Weasley, to Miss Greengrass Jr. Am I clear on that Y/N?"

"Yes Professor." Y/N said as sipped a cup of tea, he looked at it.

"I know tea isn't your personal favourite."

"No... I prefer a good scotch myself." Y/N said as he thought to himself. McGonagall smiled.

"Now, onto a lighter subject for breakfast. I've managed to organize your timetable, you'll be with Miss Granger sharing her time turner. Are you certain you'll be up for the added stress of classes with everything that's going on?"

"I don't have a choice Professor, we only have one chance at school, in my case that's especially true." Y/N said as McGonagall looked at him.

"Well, I'll be more than willing to provide tutoring to you and Miss Granger if either of you feel the need for it." McGonagall said as Y/N smiled at her.

"Thank you Professor." Y/N said kindly. He went to stand up to leave after finishing his breakfast with the professor when McGonagall spoke up.

"Mr L/N, you say that these people, Miss Granger, Mr Potter, Miss Greengrass, you say they're just friends, but you know... to them you're far more than that, you should give yourself some credit, maybe take a chance from time to time." McGonagall said as Y/N smiled and nodded.

"Good morning, Professor."

"Good morning, Mr L/N." McGonagall said as Y/N left, heading to Divination, where he found Ron sat next to Hermione, while Harry was with Cho Chang. He looked around and walked over to a table with no one sat at it sitting down as Trelawny nodded to him.

As the lesson went on, Y/N couldn't help but notice the looks Ron was giving Hermione who was more invested in trying to study.

"Hey Y/N." two voices said in unison over Y/N's shoulder, he turned and saw Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil.

"Ladies." Y/N said kindly, nodding to them both, earning a giggle from them both and a blush from them as they started whispering amongst themselves.

"Y/N... what do you see in your cup?" Parvati asked as Y/N smiled at her kindly.

"The Slytherin Quidditch team after we win the cup this year." Y/N remarked as the girls giggled again.

Y/N looked out of the window, not listening to Trelawny, he was thinking of Sirius and Bellatrix, all those cold nights they had spent in that cell, huddled together for warmth, all those times they had fought to save one another. The bond the three of them shared...

... or at least, the bond he thought they all shared.

Now... now Y/N didn't know what to think about Sirius and Bellatrix.

He looked over to Ron who was asleep, Hermione rolled her eyes at his snoring and shoved his head out of the way of her hand as she was writing. He thought about what would the situation be like for him and Hermione if he was able to have a relationship without the definite knowledge he would have to leave it behind in a few years. Sure, he and Daphne had... something between them, and he couldn't help but admit he was attracted to Ginny and not just for looks, but something about Hermione just seemed to capture him. He understood how Ron was likely feeling about Hermione, going off of the looks he'd been giving her, but he knew, he would end up just breaking whichever girls heart on graduation day.

"Mr Weasley, look at the cup. Tell me what you see." Trelawny said as Y/N looked over to his friends table.

"Oh, yeah, um. Well, ummm...Harry's got a sort of wonky cross. That's trials and suffering." Y/N and Hermione smirked sceptically at one another from across the room. "And, uh, that there could be the sun, and that's happiness. So,'re gonna suffer...but you're gonna be happy about it."

"Give me the cup." Trelawney said as she took one look at the cup and threw it back on the table in fear. "My have...the grim."

"The Grin? What's the Grin?" Seamus called out.

"Not the Grin you idiot, the Grim."

"The Grim. ''Taking the form of a giant spectral dog, it's among the darkest omens in our world. It's an omen...of death''." A Gryffindor boy read as Y/N turned to him.

"Well thanks Russell Grant, and what have you got for Sagittarius?" Harry quipped.

Trelawney asked for Y/N's cup, she looked at it and found that his future was clouded in mystery, earning an intrigued 'ooh' from the rest of the class as Y/N shook his head...

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