The Mirror

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That night Y/N was reading through the books his parents had sent him, Ron was fast asleep while Harry was off investigating the restricted section using his cloak.

He was reading into werewolves, animagi, Hippogriffs, and Merpeople. The books were mostly charms and spells books, but Y/N found a few books for almost any subject, including herbology. He was looking through it and found a passage on something called Devils snare...well it was less of a passage and more of a rhyme to help him remember it's weakness to sunlight.

'Devils snare, devils snare, it's deadly fun, but sulks in the sun.' Y/N read internally as he looked through the pages, he found a passage on dragons. and read through it.

his reading was interrupted suddenly by Harry bursting through the door.

"RON, Y/N, YOU'VE GOT TO SEE THIS!" Harry yelled as he ran in and nearly dragged them out of bed.

Y/N and Ron went with Harry, all three of them hiding under the invisibility cloak, the walked through the corridors until they entered a room with a tall mirror. Harry practically ran over to the mirror and was rambling about seeing his parents, Y/N was listening but Ron was caught off guard and was half asleep.

They stood in front of the mirror but neither Y/N or Ron could see Harry's parents.

"Look in properly, go on, stand there." Harry said as Y/N stepped out of the way to let Ron be the only person in the mirror, the redhead's eyes went wide as he looked into the mirror. "There. You see them don't you?"

"That's me, only I'm head boy, and I'm holding the quidditch cup. And bloody hell! I'm quidditch captain, too. I look good. Y/N, you try." Ron said as Y/N stepped in front of the mirror and saw himself, with his little sister, Remiella, she was celebrating something with him, holding some sort of letter in her hand, Y/N recognised it immediately, and with that recognition his hopes that this mirror showed the future somehow were dashed, as what it showed was impossible in more ways than one.

"What do you see?" Ron said as Y/N thought up a lie on the spot.

"I see me as the minister for magic." Y/N lied.

"Does this show the future?" Ron asked as Harry had a saddened look on his face.

"How can it? Both my parents are dead." Harry said as Y/N puzzled over it for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

"I think it shows you your most heartfelt desire. Think about it. Harry would see his parents because he wishes to see them more than anything, Ron you saw what you saw because you want that to be your future, me, I saw what I did because I want to become minister for magic... for reasons that I prefer to keep to myself." Y/N said as the other two boys nodded at the deduction.

The next night after the feast, when Y/N and Ron were back at the dorms, Harry had gone back to look into the mirror...

The next night after the feast, when Y/N and Ron were back at the dorms, Harry had gone back to look into the mirror

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