Gentle Persuasion...

618 35 5

Y/N arrived at a small clearing in the Forbidden Forest, for him, this wasn't his first time here, neither was it Daphne's first time here.

He arrived to see Daphne standing in front of Crabbe and Goyle, he heard them flirting with here.

"Well Greengrass? You promised to make it worth our while, went in depth if we recall it." Crabbe said as Daphne smirked.

"Well boys. I'm a lady of my word, but come a little closer." Daphne said with a smirk, luring the two goons in closer, Y/N stalked up behind the goons without them noticing, Daphne smirked before leaning closer to them. "behind you."

The two boys turned to see Y/N standing there, immediately they were knocked out by Y/N's fists coming at them followed by him slamming them to the floor. Y/N looked to Daphne who shrugged.

"I offered them blowjobs, are you the only boy whose brain isn't solely controlled by his cock?" Daphne said as Y/N looked at her in shock. "Oh, don't look at me like that, we needed them isolated and it worked, just make sure you erase their memories up to... ten past one." 

"Noted, incarcerous! Incarcerous!" Y/N cast on the two goons. Daphne smirked. 

"I see you've carried on practicing that spell." Daphne said as Y/N chuckled.

"Well, you are a good teacher, most times." Y/N said as Daphne raised a brow.

"I only taught you that spell."

"My point stands. Now, which one do you think I should question?" Y/N asked as Daphne transfigured a nearby rock into a couch, she sat down with her feet up and looked to Y/N.

"I'd say we wake them both up, I've already put up wards so that no one will catch us." Daphne said as she looked to Y/N. "It's your interrogation, do it how you want."

Y/N woke Crabbe up first, grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt collar and delivering a punch to his jaw.

"Who is the Heir of Slytherin?"

"What the... Greengr-"

Y/N cut him off by punching him in the face again.

"Where is the Chamber of Secrets?" Y/N asked in a cold manner, this wasn't his first time doing this kind of thing.

"Why would I know?"

"Take a guess genius. Your friend Malfoy seems to be a good reason for suspicion." Y/N said as he held onto Crabbes shirt collar. "Start talking, before my friend here decides she needs some help with relieving tension!"

Crabbe looked over to Daphne who gave a sultry wave to Crabbe with a smug grin on her face.

Crabbe looked over to Daphne who gave a sultry wave to Crabbe with a smug grin on her face

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"You cu-"

Y/N once again cut him off by delivering a punch to Crabbes face.

"Where... is the chamber of secrets?!" Y/N demanded as he continued to rough up Crabbe.

"I don't know. Ask her, she's in Slytherin too." Crabbe said as Y/N beat him even more, all the while Daphne was sitting on the couch filing her nails while humming a tune to herself. "I don't know!"

Y/N delivered another punch, rain began to spit down as Daphne transfigured a branch into a standing umbrella.

"I'm not inclined to believe you!" Y/N said before kicking him in the ribs. "Let's see if your friend is more helpful!"

Y/N woke up Goyle who immediately started yelling at Y/N.

"Who is the Heir of Slytherin?!" Y/N demanded as he delivered a solid punch to Goyles jaw. The rain began to pour down harder, like it was in tune with Y/N's anger.

"Why would I know?"

"Draco knows something, and I'm betting he's told you!" Y/N said through gritted teeth as he threw another punch.

"I don't know anything!" Goyle said as Y/N sighed, looking to Daphne who nodded.

"Drag Goyle behind that tree, make him write what he knows, and keep it silent. Meanwhile, I'm going to see if Crabbe here can remember anything in a spur of the moment." Y/N said as he punched Crabbe in the face.

"Fuck off L/N. You belong in a cell-"

Y/N kicked him in the ribs.

"Tell me something I don't know! How about who the Heir of Slytherin is! What did Malfoy tell you?!" Y/N asked as he delivered another punch, sending one of Crabbe's teeth flying out of his mouth and to the floor.

"I don't know, and if I did, why do you care? Scared your little mudb-"

Y/N hit him again, punching him in the face, and then again, and then again, he continued going until Crabbe was covered in cuts and his left eye was swelling shut.

Daphne returned and showed Y/N what Goyle had written down for her he looked to Crabbe, handing the paper to Daphne.

"I'm going to ask you what she just asked Goyle, and your answer had better be the same as your mate over there, or I'll pop your fucking kneecaps off!" Y/N snarled as he got in close and pointed his wand at Crabbe's knees. "What does Draco know about the chamber or the heir?!"

"He doesn't know, we asked him but he doesn't know!" Crabbe said as Y/N looked to Daphne who nodded.

Y/N punched him in the face, beating him unconscious before turning to look at Goyle.

"Wha- why, he told you what you wanted." Goyle said as he backed away, pissing his pants in fear of the boy he was looking at. "Fuck off, I'm not saying another thing!"

"That's okay, I believe him." Y/N said as he slammed Goyles head into a tree before beating him unconscious. Y/N sat back and caught his breath as he looked at them both, Daphne was stood stoically behind him, on the outside she was looking stoic, on the inside, she was shocked, she'd known Y/N a long time, she'd never seen him this... brutal.

Y/N stood up and pointed his wand at Goyle before obliviating his memories as per Daphne's requests, doing the same to Crabbe.

"I'll leave them in your capable hands Heiress Greengrass." Y/N said as he smiled at her, Daphne smirked back.

"Y/N... I was wondering if you wanted to meet up some time, catch up?"

"Sure. Let me know when." Y/N said as he left... 

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