Law and Orders?

541 31 16

Y/N arrived at the Spanish Ministry of Magic, approaching the entrance where there were a group of aurors. One was a woman who was laughing and drinking. The Aurors all looked to him as the woman stood up.

"What do you want, inglés? What are you doing here? Have you heard, there's a war going on?"

"My name's Y/N L/N. I've been sent here to retrieve a couple of men. Can I speak to your Minister, or at the very least your commander?" Y/N said calmly as he stopped looking at the woman.

"You want to talk to my boss, inglés?" The Woman said as Y/N looked at her and shrugged.

"I guess." Y/N said bluntly.

"Because I am not good enough for you?" The woman asked as Y/N paused before answering.

"No, Ma'am." Y/N answered.

"You think you're better than me? You come to my country, my poor little country, and you think you can be friends with the Minister?"

"No, Ma'am. I am sorry, Ma'am. Things must have come out wrong. Maybe you can help me?" Y/N suggested.

"You'll be sorry, friend." The woman said as the aurors pointed their wands at Y/N. Y/N's hand moved closer to his wand, ready to draw in an instant, the woman burst out laughing. "Relax, amigo. Relax. I had you."

"Sure, somewhere between the threatening stare and the Aurors armed to the teeth, yeah, yeah you had me." Y/N remarked with a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"Welcome to Spain, amigo! Let's come, eat, drink! And then we'll talk." The woman said as Y/N followed them to a nearby table. "My name is Auror Denise Santaloma."

"Y/N L/N."

"My country is in pain, Y/N L/N. Terrible pain. These so called rebels have seized the people by the throat and destroy our way of life." Denise said as Y/N looked at her.

"I'm no politician, Ma'am." Y/N said as The waitress came over.

"And I am no soldier. Tequila..." Denise said as she looked at the waitress leaving. "But we are both beholden to our time. A brave man, perhaps you have heard of him, Ministro Aldo. He is trying to preserve the order in our province, to keep our civilization alive, it is tough. The people are confused, and usually swayed. Sometimes in the service of what is right, you got to do terrible things. It breaks my heart."

"I also am no moralist, Ma'am." Y/N said calmly.

"I wish I enjoyed your freedoms, Mr. L/N." Denise said. Y/N decided to get to business.

"I am trying to find a man, an English man. An outlaw named James Ryan. I believe he came here to seek protection from another outlaw, named Thomas Callahan." Y/N stated coldly as he looked the woman in the eyes.

"You're no moralist, but you hunt outlaws?" Denise questioned as Y/N smiled slightly.

"So it would seem. You heard anything of these men?" Y/N asked.

"I am the government, or what is left of it. Outlaws seek each other. They are possibly hiding with thieves and killers who pose as freedom fighters in the hills around here. They're united under one traitor named Cristiano Jesus."

"Where can I find this Jesus? Besides a church that is." Y/N said, joking with the last part.

"If I knew I would be there, hunting him with everything that is true within me. Jesus finds you." Denise said.

"Like cholera." Y/N joked, earning a laugh from Denise. 

"Something like that. But it's possible though. My men are trying to lure him into a trap. Possibly you could come with us? And if everything goes okay, I am sure the Ministro will help you." Denise offered as Y/N thought for a moment.

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