The Great Train... Dementor?

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The quartet were at platform nine and three quarters.

As Y/N looked around he saw the aurors watching from, he sighed as he boarded the train. He walked through the corridor of the train, with his hand near his wand, the past few days had taught him to never let his guard down, least of all around people he trusted. 

He walked into a cabin and joined his friends, Hermione looked at Y/N. He paused for a moment when he saw an adult sleeping in the cabin, he looked at them and then their name on a trunk.

"Professor R J Lupi-"

"Remus Lupin." Y/N said as he looked at Hermione.

"How do you know his name?" Ron asked as Y/N looked at him.

"Let's just say he knows an old friend of mine..." Y/N said as he sat down, looking out of the window.

"Y/N? Are you okay? You seem... upset." Hermione asked as Y/N nodded.

"I'm fine, I just... I'm fine." Y/N said as he smiled at her gently.

"They'll catch Bellatrix and Sirius Black, won't they? I mean everyone's looking for them." Hermione said before she glanced over to see Y/N still focusing on the passing scenery.

"Sure. Except no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before, and... they're a pair murderous, raving lunatics." Ron said catching Y/N's attention.

"Ron, unless you know about their situation for certain, do me a favour and keep your opinions on them to yourself. They're not the first people to break free from Azkaban." Y/N said as the train came to a sudden halt and the wheels ground to a stop.

"Why are we stopping? We can't be there yet." Hermione said as she stood up and opened the carriage door she looked left and right to see that everyone else was just as confused, and intrigued as she was. There was a loud rumbling as the train shook violently, sending Hermione falling backwards, landing on Y/N who had been looking out of the window, her bum pressed against his crotch as Y/N heard something resembling a moan fall from her lips.

"You... you okay?" Y/N asked as Hermione blushed furiously.

"Yes, sorry, fell over." Hermione said as Y/N smiled at her kindly.

"Falling for me Granger?" Y/N asked as the bookworm giggled and blushed.

"Shut up!" Hermione scolded playfully as Y/N stood her on her feet before looking around.

"What's going on?" Ron said as the compartment door shut.

"Don't know. Maybe we've broken down." Harry suggested as Y/N examined the door, he turned to face Harry.

"I don't know many trains that break down to a stop and then shake about like that while stationary." Y/N said as the lights went out. Y/N moved from the door over to the window to look out, accidentally stepping on a foot.

"ouch, Y/N that was my foot!" Hermione scolded.

"Well move your feet sasquatch." Y/N said before looking out the window again. "Good news, we haven't broken down, the bad news, there's something out there and I'm guessing it's not the bloke checking for tickets."

"Y/N?" Hermione said as Y/N looked to his left and could make out that the rest of the train had gone dark.

"I think someone or something is coming aboard." Y/N said. The train rattled, Y/N turned around to see Hermione panting with fear, he could see her breath frosting, he saw the windows in the hallway begin to ice up. 

"All of you get behind me, now!" Y/N ordered as he drew his wand.

The carriage shook violently again causing Y/N to fall, he managed to stop his fall by catching his hands on the two benches.

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