The Trial

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Y/N was escorted into the manor by sixteen aurors, all surrounding him and keeping their wands trained on him.

As he looked around Y/N took a deep breath once he stepped into the manor, he fell to the floor on a doorway, in front of one of the aurors, a young girl with bubblegum pink hair wearing a black choker, a zip-up grey sweatshirt over her red and black striped shirt, a long, black jacket with silver studs and buttons, a pair of short denim shorts, and stockings with combat boots, she had studded fingerless gloves on her hands.

She offered her hand to him and looked at him sympathetically as she helped him to his feet, pulling him up with more force than she meant, causing Y/N to nearly fall onto her, their faces were mere inches from one another as she looked at him, looking into his eyes.

"Keep moving." She said sadly, like it was depressing her just doing this to him.

Y/N continued walking with the aurors all keeping their wands still trained on him until they came to what was once apparently a dining room, but it had been converted into a makeshift courtroom, with a large table bending around the room so that no matter where Y/N looked at one end of the room, there would be someone looking back while the other end of the room was empty, the aurors all took their positions at the empty end of the room, like a firing squad.

"This court is now in session." Said the man in charge of the court. "The Defendant, Y/N L/N, of the L/N family is charged with crimes of piracy, grand larceny, murder, and aiding and abetting criminals. Previous sentence, to be banished from Britain once defendant graduates from school. Does this sentence suit the court?"

"No." George Ebenezer said as he stood up.

"No." Pansy's father said.

"No." Lucius said as he looked at Y/N with a smug grin.

"No." Narcissa said as she stood up, looking to Y/N with eyes telling him to trust her.

"Then what would the court have the defendant sentenced to?" The Man in charge said.

"Kill him!" Ebenezer said as Y/N looked at him.

"Death is too good for him. Enslave him to house Parkinson."

"I agree, enslave him to one of the houses present." Lucius said as Narcissa looked at Y/N before speaking.

"Enslave him to house Black. We are in need of a new servant. We will ensure he serves his punishment." Narcissa said as she looked around.

"As we are at a conflict, then before we get to the matter of sentencing the deceased- I mean the defendant, hehe, I think we should all hear what he has to say. L/N, say your piece." The Judge said as Y/N looked around.

"Don't you just love a fair trial." Y/N remarked to himself as he stood up. "With all due respect, if I am to be enslaved, then surely you can at least allow me the choice of house to be enslaved to. You can't kill me because you know that I've made more connections than Parkinson's right hand has made with his wife's fat arse cheeks, if you kill me your shadowy little cabal is exposed and you're all either killed or imprisoned, you can't banish me because then you don't know where I am or what I'm up to, so that just leaves you enslaving me, so surely seeing as none of you can decide what to do, why not alleviate that burden to me, eh?!"

There was a pause a they all looked between one another.

"Kill him!" Ebenezer demanded.

"Kill him." Parkinson said,

"Enslave him, then kill him!" Lucius said with a smile.

"Enslave him." Narcissa ordered as she looked at Lucius.

"Can I go on record and say, I'm in favour of her idea." Y/N said as the judge rolled his eyes.

"Enough! I hereby enslave him to the house of Black." The judge said. "His owner will be Ladies Narcissa... and Bellatrix Black."

"Oh bugger." Y/N muttered as Narcissa looked surprised by the judges words.

"Dismissed." The Judge said as he hit his gavel on the stop...

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