Yule Ball #1

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Y/N was dressed in his suit for the ball.

This without the hat and cleaner:

This without the hat and cleaner:

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As Y/N was getting ready he saw Harry struggling with his bowtie, so naturally he walked over to Harry and tapped him on the shoulder.

He was letting Harry change in his quarters other dorm room, given how Ron would likely stir fights with Harry if they shared the same room right now, and he didn't want his friend being punished for beating up Ron and likely finishing him off for good.

"Here, let me help." Y/N said as he stood Harry in front of a mirror and began to do up his bow tie.

"Thanks." Harry said as Y/N chuckled.

"What kind of best friend would I be if I let you struggle with this. Hey? Come here." Y/N said as he embraced his best friend, patting him on the back. "Now, be careful tonight. And whatever you do, don't go getting drunk and trying for a shag in the carriages, Snape's on watch out there and I guarantee he won't like you trying to shag some girl."

"All right, what about you and -"

"Utter one more syllable and I'll have you killed." Y/N said as Harry laughed.

"Where are the girls anyway?" Harry asked as Y/N paused for a moment.

"They're in the room we used to use before I won this."

"You all had a room to use before this one?"

"Yes, you ever looked at your dads map and wonder why you couldn't find us?" Y/N asked as Harry shrugged.

"I thought you were outside of Hogwarts."

"Ha! Sirius is definitely hearing this one." Y/N laughed as Harry shook his head.

"Shut up." Potter said as Y/N smiled.

Y/N was with Harry outside the Great Hall, the two boys waiting for their dates when the Patil twins walked past both smiling at Y/N.

"Hello Y/N." The twins said with a smile.

"Padma, Parvati. You both look nice tonight." Y/N said as they smiled.

"You two don't scrub up to bad yourselves. So, Y/N who's the very lucky lady?" Parvati said as Hermione poked her head around the corner at the top of the stairs, she spotted Y/N at the bottom of the stairs and summoned her Gryffindor Courage.

 So, Y/N who's the very lucky lady?" Parvati said as Hermione poked her head around the corner at the top of the stairs, she spotted Y/N at the bottom of the stairs and summoned her Gryffindor Courage

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