Bounty: Bill Ashe

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Y/N and McGonagall arrived in Little Hangleton, immediately Y/N sighed as McGonagall looked to him.

"I swear, if I ever get my hands around that snake cunt's throat for getting me into this I'll kill-"

"Y/N... how about we focus, yes?" McGonagall said as Y/N looked at her.

"No offence intended Professor, but I don't want to give Fudge the excuse to not keep his end of the deal. I've got to do this alone." Y/N said as McGonagall, with a look of reluctance nodded.

"Very well, but I must insist on staying nearby if for no other reason than to get you back to the Grangers." McGonagall stated as Y/N nodded to her before walking into the nearby pub and looking around at everyone, his hand near his wand in case he needed it.

"Sorry love, no underage customers in here, you'll have to take your son elsewhere." The bartender asked as McGonagall was caught off guard by the remark of Y/N being her son.. Y/N was fast to recover and looked at the man.

"It's okay, I'm not looking for a drink, I'm just here asking a few questions, have you seen this man?" Y/N said as he held up the bounty poster.

"It's okay, I'm not looking for a drink, I'm just here asking a few questions, have you seen this man?" Y/N said as he held up the bounty poster

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"I need to speak to him." Y/N said calmly as he felt the unease spread through the room.

"We haven't seen anyone looking like that." The barman said as Y/N looked at him with a steely, cold, gaze.

"Look. I'm not asking for you to tell me the lottery numbers, I'm just asking where this man is."  Y/N said as he looked at the barman.

"You might want to talk to the old caretaker up at that huge house on the hill, the old Riddle home." 

"Riddle?" McGonagall said as she looked to Y/N who she noticed had his hand resting on his wand handle.

"Thank you for your help." Y/N said as he turned and left.

"L/N, that house-"

"I know who the house belongs to professor, but he's dead, all that's left of him are memories, and memories can't hurt anyone." Y/N said as he left, heading towards the Riddle manor on the hill.

Franke Bryce heard a knocking on the door to his home, he approached the door and saw a young boy with scars on his face, he had some sort of holster or sheath on his leg.

"Frank Bryce?"

"Who's asking?" Frank asked as the boy looked at him.

"I'm asking."

"And who are you?" Frank asked as Y/N looked at him.

"My name is Y/N L/N."

The man looked at Y/N for a second

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The man looked at Y/N for a second.

"What do you want?"

"I'm looking for the man on this poster, I heard you were the one to ask about his whereabouts?" Y/N said as he showed the poster to Frank.

"Well, I don't know for certain, but I saw someone who looked like him up by the house, he said he and his friends were interested in buying it." Frank said as Y/N nodded.

"How many people were with him?"

"15 to 20."

"Okay, thank you." Y/N said calmly as he left, walking up towards the huge manor on the hill.

Y/N was as calm as ever as he approached the manor, spotting two guards, they looked at him and approached.

"Go away, we're working on the house and we don't like strangers-"

Y/N cut him off by drawing his wand and killed him with a non-verbal expulso, before turning his wand on the second guard and doing the same. 

Immediately Bill Ashe and his men all grabbed their wands while Y/N continued walking towards them, taking out man after man with lethal force and precision, a killing curse missed him by a considerable amount.

"Try casting with your eyes open!" Y/N called out as he took out another guard. "Guess we can't be friends now."

Y/N avoided an incoming killing curse as he continued walking towards the manor.

"You couldn't hit the floor with your shoe!" Y/N yelled out as he continued pushing towards the manor. "Bill Ashe, come out here right now and this can all end!"

Y/N entered the manor through the front door, kicking it open and moving through the building.

"Bill Ashe!, where are you?!" Y/N yelled as he took cover behind a doorway before casting diffindo on one mans Achilles heel and then on their throat. "Come out right now, save me the trouble of killing everyone in this house!"

Y/N continued to make his way through the house, killing any guards that got in his way until he eventually reached a room and found Bill Ashe opening the window to try and escape.

"Incarcerous" Y/N cast, he walked over to Ashe and checked his pockets. "Thank you for your donations friend."

He picked up Bill using Levicorpus to carry him with him back to Little Hangleton were he found Professor McGonagall.

"Professor, I brought you an early Christmas present." Y/N remarked with a smirk as he set Ashe down next to McGonagall who looked at him in shock.

"Very well, follow me, come along Mr Ashe." McGonagall said as she looked to their prisoner and to Y/N.

Y/N followed McGonagall somewhere safe before she and Y/N apparated out of Little Hangleton...

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