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Later that day Y/N was discharged from the hospital and was given the bill of health for playing in Quidditch. When he arrived, Wood and the team were just heading out to start their new training regime.

"I spent the summer devising a whole new quidditch program. We're going to train earlier, harder and longer." Oliver said causing Y/N to chuckle to himself which in turn made Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet snicker, knowing what he was thinking. "What--? I don't believe it! Where do you think you're going Flint?"

"Quidditch practice." Marcus Flint said as the two teams met up.

"I booked the pitch for Gryffindor today."

"Easy Wood, I've got a note." Flint said handing Wood a roll of parchment.

"Uh-Oh, I smell trouble." Ron said as he and Hermione stood up and walked over to see what was going on.

"'I, Professor Severus Snape, do hereby give the Slytherin team permission to practice today, owing to the need to train their new Seeker.' You've got a new seeker, who?" Wood asked not believing the note.

Malfoy emerged with a smug smile on his face.

"Malfoy?" Y/N and Harry asked in disbelief. Y/N immediately stated laughing hysterically.

"Hahahahaha, ahhahahaha... you serious?"

"Yes, and that's not all that's new this year

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"Yes, and that's not all that's new this year." Malfoy said as the entire Slytherin team made a point to show off their new brooms.

"Those are Nimbus 2001s. How did you get those?" Ron asked.

"A gift from Draco's father." Flint answered.

"You see Weasley, unlike some, my father can afford the best." Malfoy bragged.

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent." Hermione stated as Y/N felt himself internally cheering for Hermione.

"No one asked your opinion. You filthy little Mudblood." Malfoy said

"You'll pay for that one Malfoy. Eat slugs." Ron said as he tried to curse Malfoy but his wand predictably backfired. As Malfoy laughed at the sight of Ron throwing up slugs he turned to see Y/N.

"Right, fuck the wands. Let's have it right now!" Y/N snapped as he walked up to Draco and threw a punch that hit Malfoy in the throat.

Before anyone could stop them they were both in an all out brawl, with Y/N managing to beat up Malfoy who had no idea how to fight, he tripped Malfoy up and pinned him to the floor before stomping on his hand until there was a crunch. The Slytherin team went to attack him but he managed to break Flints jaw and fight three other members of the team before it took the entire Quidditch teams to break up the fight with the Gryffindor team holding Y/N back, with Daphne Greengrass, who was the new Slytherin chaser, Hermione, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet had to pile on him just to stop the fight until he was calm enough to be held back by the rest of the team, and the Slytherin team holding a bloodied Malfoy up on his feet as he groaned in pain. Professors McGonagall arrived and dragged Y/N away to Dumbledore's office.

"WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING ASSAULTING ANOTHER STUDENT?!" McGonagall demanded as they stormed through the corridors.

"He called Hermione a name that I couldn't let slide!" Y/N said as McGonagall stepped onto the statue platform with Y/N.

"Sherbet Lemon." McGonagall said, causing the platform to rise into Professor Dumbledore's office. McGonagall escorted Y/N into the room where Snape was already arguing with Dumbledore to have Y/N expelled.

"Headmaster, he attacked another student physically, he beat the student bloody! He's a danger and must be expelled!" Snape demanded.

"Why don't we hear Y/N's version of events before we pass judgement Severus. Y/N, would you kindly run us through what happened, start from the beginning." Dumbledore said as he looked to Y/N who glared at Professor Snape for a moment.

"I'll explain as best as I can. Me and the Gryffindor Quidditch team were heading to the pitch to train when the Slytherin team revealed that our esteemed Professor Snape, gave them permission to train their new seeker, Malfoy. Malfoy insulted the Weasley family, Miss Granger made a fairly accurate remark that at least everyone on the Gryffindor team got in on pure talent. That was when Malfoy used the word that I refuse to let slide, which incited me to attack Malfoy." Y/N explained.

"Oh, please, stop acting so high and mighty, what was the word?" Snape said as Y/N shook his head.

"Why don't you go get Bellatrix Black down here to crucio me, you'd stand a better chance of getting the word out of me then." Y/N said as Snape looked at him and tried to look into Y/N's mind only to be blocked out.

"What was the word that he called Miss Granger?" Snape demanded again.

"I'm not saying so stop asking."

"Y/N, please, your future at this school hangs on this conversation, just say the word, what word could be so bad that you would risk -"

"Then I'm kicked out, I'd sooner be kicked out than say that word." Y/N snapped.

"Minerva, would you bring the Gryffindor team in please, and Miss Granger if you can find her." Dumbledore said as McGonagall nodded.

A few moments later the entire Gryffindor quidditch team was in Dumbledore's office, with Hermione standing next to Y/N. Grangers eyes were glassy with tears. 

"Now then, I would like you each to take tell us what caused the incident." Dumbledore said as the Weasley twins glared at Snape.

"Ask Dracula over there, he probably taught the word to Malfoy." George said as he pointed to Snape who sneered at him.

"What word would that be Mr Weasley?"

"Malfoy called Hermione a Mudblood." The team all said, apart from Y/N who had his arms around Hermione's shoulders trying to comfort her. McGonagall gasped as Dumbledore looked at Y/N.

"Malfoy would never call anyone that, you're lying." Snape said as Y/N shook his head.

"What, and that many people have the exact same story in this short a time, they had no idea they were going to be asked you swine.

"Severus, would you please leave us." As Snape left the office Y/N looked Dumbledore in the eyes for the first time since he'd stepped into the room. "Do you have any notion, to the seriousness of your actions?"

"Some notion sir, yes."

"You attacked a student and broke his hand by stomping on it!" Dumbledore said, raising his voice slightly.

"To be fair professor the broken hand wasn't entirely my fault my shoe slipped...I was aiming for his head-"

"Silence!" Dumbledore snapped as Y/N shut his mouth. "You assaulted a fellow student and as a result they are now in the hospital wing for a week. However, given the nature of the inciting incident, you're circumstances have been taken into consideration, you are hereby ordered to attend detention with Professor Lockhart for the next three weeks. Consider yourself lucky to not be expelled! I suggest next time something like that happens, you let Miss Granger deal with it-"

"She shouldn't have to deal with it! Malfoy called her a derogatory name, I'd go so far as to say it was a racial slur, no student should have to put up with that, especially not in a school! If you can't understand that then maybe you're not the hero people claim you to be, Old Man." Y/N snapped as Dumbledore nodded.

"I agree, which is why you're not being expelled. But if this sort of thing ever happens again, you will be on the train home immediately. Do I make myself clear Mr. L/N?" Dumbledore said sternly.

"Yes sir, perfectly clear." Y/N said coldly.

"Now, off to the Gryffindor common room for tonight, your detention starts tomorrow afternoon, the rest of you stay here, I wish to discuss this matter further with you." Dumbledore said as Y/N huffed and stormed out of the office, heading back to the common room...

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