El Club De Los Cuerpos

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As Y/N and Victor arrived at The location where the Spanish Ministry forces were holding Emilio's daughter.

"You're not going to have trouble killing these men and women are you?" Victor asked as Y/N looked at him.

"As long as none are left to recognise me, no, I'm not going to have a problem." Y/N said as he looked down at the Aurors. "What's the plan here?"

"Follow my lead." Victor said as he put his wand away before standing up, leading Y/N with him

"Sal de aquí! (Get out of here!)" An auror said as Victor put his hands up.

"Disculpas, amigo, mi hijo y yo estábamos caminando hasta aquí, disfrutando de esta maravillosa tierra, ¿entiendes, verdad? (Apologies, friend, my son and I were walking here, enjoying this wonderful land, you understand, right?)" Victor said as Y/N followed him his hands in the air.

"Sí, sería aún más hermoso sin ti, ¡ahora vete! (Yes, it would be even more beautiful without you, now go!)" The guard ordered as Y/N looked at them. "A menos que quieras ver más de cerca esta hermosa tierra a través de seis pies de tierra, vete. (Unless you want a closer look at this beautiful land through six feet of dirt, leave.)"

Y/N looked to Victor who gave a courteous nod to the Aurors before he and Y/N drew their wands and killed them with a killing curse.

"Take this if you're worried about them identifying you, muggle weapon, they call it a gun. They can't trace check the spells on your wand for spells you didn't cast. It uses something the muggles call "Ammo". It turns out Magical authorities don't really factor in any magical folk using muggle technology, they don't look for it." Victor said as Y/N looked at the weapon. "Here, this should keep you from needing your wand for now."

"Do you know how to use tha-" Before Victor could finish talking a gunshot rang out and he heard the dead body of an auror fall to the floor behind him

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"Do you know how to use tha-" Before Victor could finish talking a gunshot rang out and he heard the dead body of an auror fall to the floor behind him.

"Yeah, let's just say this isn't my first encounter with a gun." Y/N said as he walked in alongside Victor.

Y/N and Victor pushed further into a cave until the found a fork.

"You take the left, I'll take the right." Victor stated as Y/N nodded.

They started walking their separate ways until Y/N saw guards rushing around the corner.

He drew the gun and used it to kill six Aurors, before they could even draw their wands.

He drew the gun and used it to kill six Aurors, before they could even draw their wands

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"Still got it." Y/N remarked to himself as he reloaded and continued walking. "There any more of you?! Or are you all running yet?!"

"Hijo De Puta!" An Auror yelled as he attacked, missing Y/N by an inch.

Y/N shot the man in the head.

"You've got a funny sense of humour mister!" Y/N taunted as he reloaded before moving on again. He turned the corner and saw 20 Aurors all waiting, he ducked back around the corner before turning back and killing six of them, ducking back to cover to reload.

He looked around the corner and saw a bottle of firewhisky that one of the Aurors must have been drinking, he stepped out and shot the bottle, causing a small fiery explosion to set two Aurors on fire while he killed another five with his gun before ducking into cover and reloading.

"BUENOS NOCHES!" Y/N yelled out as he reloaded before stepping out, avoiding the incoming curses and spells before jamming the barrel into the eye of one auror and positioning their head to line up with their allies before firing the gun, killing them both with a shot, he used the corpse as a shield while shooting the remaining five Aurors.

"Kid!" Victor's voice called out as Y/N turned to see him arrive. "Merlin, you're not bad with that gun huh?"

Y/N spun the gun on his finger before holstering it on his right hip, with his wand on his left hip.

Y/N spun the gun on his finger before holstering it on his right hip, with his wand on his left hip

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"Come on, let's find this girl and get her out of here, we've spent enough time here as it is." Y/N said as he looked around before he heard a woman calling out in Spanish, he approached the door and saw a series of locks. "Stand back!"

"Bombarda Maxima!" Victor cast, blowing the door open as Y/N walked in and helped the woman out of her imprisonment.

"Can you walk?" Y/N asked as the woman nodded.


"Let's go then." Y/N said as he handed the girl over to Victor before drawing his gun, loading it and taking the lead.

As they started making their way out of the caves, Y/N heard the voices of Aurors.

"Stay here." Y/N whispered before heading on forward, seeing a room full of soldiers, he removed one bullet and wordlessly enchanted it to explode on impact before reloading it, he took aim and fired, the bullet did indeed explode, sending bodies flying as Y/N stepped out of cover and fanned the hammer, gunning down the surviving Aurors. "¡Bienvenidos al club de los cuerpos! (Welcome to The Bodies Club!) Population, bratatatat!"

Y/N and Victor led the girl out of the caves, she had revealed her name was Armana.

"You take Armana back to her father, I'll see you whenever I'm in town next."

"Sure, I'll keep an eye out for Ryan and Callahan while you're away." Victor said as Y/N nodded. "Why don't you take one of their thestrals, it's a damn side better than walking everywhere."

Y/N looked at the thestrals before nodding.

"Well they're not using it." Y/N muttered to himself before approaching a thestral, mounting it and setting off...

Just a brief note, Y/N will be using the gun only while in Spain, once he leaves, he'll get rid of it and go back to his wand. 

And for anyone wondering why he's using a gun and not a wand, Magical Authorities are always overlooking Muggle borns and muggles in general, so it makes sense that they wouldn't really consider muggle technology when investigating why some of their aurors have hole in their head, so in order to avoid being caught if they ever decide to inspect his wand, Y/N is using a gun until the end of the Spain Arc...

Thanks, hope you're all enjoying the story so far!

: )

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