The Return

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The carriage arrived at Hogwarts, with Y/N taking a breath slightly before stepping out and holding the door for Narcissa who nodded to him with a gentle smile.

"You'll have school days to yourself without me asking you to work for me, weekends are your own unless you choose to take on any requests I make of you." Narcissa said calmly as Y/N nodded.

As Y/N walked into the Gryffindor common room, he was engulfed by a hug from Hermione and Ginny, with Hermione holding him tightly as Y/N returned the favour, wrapping his arms around both girls.

"How are you?" Y/N asked as Hermione and Ginny kissed him on the cheeks.

"We're fine, we were worried about you." Hermione said as she looked at him. "How... what happened?"

"It's... I'll explain another time when Daphne and Astoria are with us." Y/N said as Hermione nodded before hugging him again. "Right now, I could use some sleep."

Both Hermione and Ginny nodded before breaking the hug and followed Y/N up to the boys dorm, where they climbed into bed alongside Y/N and closing the curtains on Y/N's four poster. Y/N closed his eyes for a brief second before wincing and letting out a hiss of pain as he sat up. His brand was still raw, it still hurt, he had managed to hide it to try and keep the girls from worrying, but he knew Hermione and Ginny could see the mark on his shoulder blade.

"Y/N... what is that on your back?" Hermione asked as Y/N was silent for a moment.

"It's the crest of House Black, my sentence was that I am now an indentured servant to Narcissa and Bellatrix Black." Y/N said as Hermione and Ginny's jaws dropped.

"You're... a slave." Hermione said as tears threatened her eyes, she went to hug him but thought better of it, not wanting to hurt him.

"Pretty much. I guess they wanted the irony to punish me. Punishment for freeing 200 slaves is that I end up becoming a slave myself." Y/N said as Ginny looked at him before leaning in and kissing him. "The upside is Narcissa actually cares about me enough to treat me like a human, that's more than most slaves get."

The two girls looked at him before they held him close, with Y/N's face ending up buried in the crook of Hermione's neck while Ginny held him from behind, her breasts pressing into his back.

"What... what are you going to do... about, you know?" Hermione asked as Y/N thought for a moment.

"I don't know, I'll try and work with Mistress Black to work out our next move." Y/N said as he slowly leaned backwards onto the bed before hissing in pain again, he sat up and rolled over so that he was lying on his front, Hermione and Ginny saw that it was uncomfortable for him and they both nodded to each other, rolling over onto their fronts and holding Y/N's hands, deciding that if he was forced to be uncomfortable, they wouldn't let him do it alone.

The next morning at the breakfast feast, Y/N was sat with Hermione and Ginny either side of him, the pair of them clinging to him and trying to comfort him, Harry and Cho were sat opposite them and they could see something had drained Y/N of energy, something was so physically taxing that he was barely awake at the table, with Granger having to stop him from falling face first into his bowl of cereal, she moved him so that his head was on her shoulder and started to gently run her hand through his hair.

"Busy night?" Harry asked as Hermione shook her head sadly.

"Not like how you think." Ginny said as she looked to Y/N and tucked a stand of hair behind his ear, Ron looked at the display of affection and looked to Y/N with anger for a moment before looking over to Malfoy and seeing the boy with an apple in his hand.

Draco threw the apple and smiled as it flew through the air and hit Y/N, right on the shoulder blade.

Immediately the room was filled with an agonised cry of pain as Y/N reached for the area where the mark was while he stood up. Before he had even finished yelling in pain, tears had emerged from his eyes as his yell tapered off. He fell forward onto the table and let out a pathetic sob of pain as he leaned on the table.

Ginny, Hermione, the Greengrass sisters, and Harry were up to their feet, with Ginny, Hermione, and Astoria rushing to Y/N while Harry and Daphne walked over to Malfoy.

Narcissa stood up and grabbed Draco's shirt collar and dragged him away, and the words that could be heard over Draco's pathetic cries were harsher than any slap or punch.

Daphne and Harry returned to Y/N and saw Ginny, Astoria, and Hermione looking after him, but they were shocked when Y/N stood up quickly and left without a word, storming out of the Great Hall, he made his way through the school corridors to the Gryffindor Tower, and headed up to his dorm, closing the curtains on his four poster bed for some privacy...

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