Back At Hogwarts

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Y/N and Hermione were in the great hall wondering where Harry and Ron where, the two boys were lucky enough to miss the welcome speech the Y/N could swear had gotten longer than last year.

As they returned to their common room Y/N and Hermione found Ron and Harry sitting on the couch, looking guilty as they saw a stern look on Hermione's face.

"WHERE. HAVE. YOU. BEEN?!" Hermione yelled as Y/N laughed at Ron jumping from fright.

"Well boys, good luck, I can see you've both got this one sorted." Y/N said as he headed up to the boys dorms, sitting on his four poster bed and sighing to himself, taking his shoes off and lying back on his bed, putting his feet up and closing his eyes, falling asleep, the train journey had taken it out of him, especially with the long speech afterwards.

The next morning Y/N awoke to find Harry sitting on his bed, looking out of the window.

"You all right Harry?" Y/N asked as Potter turned to look at him.

"Yeah. Just... just thinking." Harry said as Y/N nodded.

"Keep it down will you." Ron complained as Y/N looked at him.

"Get back to sleep before I put you to sleep." Y/N said as he Weasley sighed and went back to sleep.

"How was the burrow?"

"Great." Harry said with a smile. "Where did you stay in the end?"

"With Hermione and the Grangers."

Harry smirked and raised a brow.

"Really now?" Harry asked as Y/N sighed.

"Shut up scarhead." Y/N remarked as Harrys chuckled at him.

"You're one to talk Scarface, we're going to have to name you Tony Montana."

"last time I break you out of HMP Dursley." Y/N remarked as Harry smirked, reaching for his bedside table.

"Catch." Potter said as he passed Y/N a sweet. "Got it from Diagon alley, forgot to give it to you."

"Thank you." Y/N said with a nod before putting it in the drawer next to his desk.

"Keep it do-"

"Fucking hell Weasley, just put a ward up like the others have." Y/N said as he shook his head. "Are you a wizard or not?"

"Oh, right." Ron said as he reached for his wand and hesitated. "Y/N... what's the war-"

"Fuck it." Y/N said as he cast a spell at Ron, knocking him out instantly. "He'll wake in the morning."

"You know, you're a little scary sometimes, brilliant, but scary." Harry said as Y/N chuckled.

"Good." Y/N said as he and Harry continued to talk before they both went to sleep, with Y/N drawing the curtains shut.

The next morning the second years were in Herbology for the first class.

"Morning everyone." Professor Sprout said as the class chatter died down, she tapped on a pot three times to get their attention. "Good morning, everyone!"

"Good morning, Professor Sprout." The whole class said in unison.

"Welcome to Greenhouse three second years. Now gather around everyone. Today, we're going to re-pot Mandrakes. Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?"

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