Wednesday's Werewolf Workmate

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Y/N had spent the whole day upon his return to Hogwarts with Ginny, yet, when he was on his own and thought that no one was looking, he broke down into tears. The Girls were getting concerned, especially Daphne, who had never known Y/N to be like this.

The next morning, Y/N woke up and took at deep breath, looking around as he looked to the girls, he sighed for a moment before climbing out of bed and heading to the common room, washing and dressing before he sat down, running a hand over his exhausted face. He hadn't slept properly since his and Harry's visit to Gringotts. Y/N approached a bookshelf in the quarters study and retrieved a book from it.




Y/N continued reading through the book where he had left off the night before. That was when he heard a knock at the door, Y/N looked up and saw Narcissa standing in the doorway holding a glass of wine.

"Little early isn't it Cissa?"

"... Not for me dear. How are you? You've seemed... off, recently." Narcissa said as she looked at Y/N chuckled before smiling.

"I'm fine Narcissa... I'm... I'm fine." Y/N said as Narcissa looked at the book.

"So, who are you planning on marrying?" Narcissa asked as Y/N paused for a moment. "I've seen you recently Y/N, you've been obsessing over that book and when you haven't you've been with Ginny to an almost worrying degree. Come on, tell me what's going on?"

"I went to Gringotts the other day to help Harry claim his titles, and we found something..."

"A Marriage Contract?"


"Between Harry and Ginny?" Narcissa deduced as Y/N nodded. "That explains things. When does it come into play?"

"When Ginny turns 19, or when Harry turns 19, it was unclear on that, I feel that was intentional. Harry said that as much as he likes Ginny, he doesn't want to marry her, he said he doesn't want to be a homewrecker. Guess he knows that's my job." Y/N said as Narcissa looked at him with a raised brow. "Well, look what I did to you and Lucius..."

"Stop that right now." Narcissa said firmly, taking a deep breath before slapping him across the face. "Fool! Do you think that if everything was picturesque between me and Lucius that I'd be here?"

Y/N looked at her.

"Contrary to the front I put on... I was not happy with him, not even close, Draco was the only reason I hadn't filed for divorce, that and I know he would bribe his way to winning everything. Including custody of Draco, if that happened, might as well make the boy take the Dark Mark now." Narcissa said as Y/N looked at his arm before pulling his sleeve up and removing the glamour. Narcissa looked at him and then the mark. "Start talking fast, or so help my magic, I'll make Bellatrix look sane."

"I need to go undercover, somethings going to happen at the end of the year and that's going to present me with a prime opportunity to put down Voldemort... once and for all. This is it Cissa, the chance to stop the next wizarding war before it starts."

"So you take the dark mark? What if you're caught with it, do you have a death wish or are you just a glutton for punishment?" Narcissa asked as Y/N chuckled slightly.

"Bit of both I suppose." Y/N said as he looked at Narcissa. "Look, No matter how I get there, there's a good chance that as soon as my usefulness is done..."

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