Sirius' Letter...

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As Y/N awoke the next morning he looked at the four heads resting on him, smiling to himself as he took in a breath, enjoying the bead that could easily accommodate seven people, he was thinking to himself when an Tucan flew in and dropped a letter, which landed on Hermione's bare back.

"Mrmf" Hermione mumbled at the feeling. Y/N opened the letter.

Dear Friend,

I am pleased to hear about your victory in the quidditch season, even if I am unpleased to hear that I'll have to pick up your tab for the next year. I have obtained the locket that you mentioned, however, mine and Bellatrix's status as criminals has made it impossible for us to retrieve the Goblet you mentioned from Bellatrix's vault. I managed to sneak into the castle the other day and hide the locket at the position you marked. I also heard that you were winning in the duelling tournament, the news pleased Bellatrix to no end, she even done a small dance when didn't think I was looking.

I hear Pettigrew has a bounty on his head of 100, 000 galleons, and I assume that that has something to do with you. I don't know why you want the locket and the Goblet, but I can only hope you have good intentions.

Congratulations on your relationships.

Your friend, always,


P.S. Visit us at your address sometime soon Y/N, there are matters we must discuss. Be careful however, I've noticed Bellatrix having more frequent flashes and episodes since we escaped.

As Y/N finished reading the letter he looked at the girls and then thought about his friends. He climbed out of the bed and got dressed before looking out of the window. He sighed to himself and thought about what he was going to do, that goblet was possibly one of Voldemort's horcruxes.

He turned and raised his hand near his wand at the sound of footsteps on the floor, only to see Hermione in pyjama's with bare feet.

"Morning." Y/N said as Hermione smiled.

"Morning." Hermione said as she leaned in and kissed Y/N.

"I need you to look after things here for a few days." Y/N said as he looked at her.


"I need to visit Sirius and Bellatrix, it's important." Y/N said as held Hermione closer. "If I do this right, we'll be even closer to Killing Voldemort for good before he even get's to try and come back."

"Y/N, you've only just got your freedom."

"I know, but if we don't stop Voldemort coming back, then eventually he will return and then there will be no freedom for anyone." Y/N said as he looked at Hermione. "I'll come back, I promise."

"I'll hold you to that." Hermione said as Ginny approached alongside Daphne and Narcissa." 

"Hold him to what?" Daphne asked as Y/N paused.

"I need to go visit Sirius and Bellatrix, if all goes well, we'll be closer to finishing Voldemort for good." Y/N said as he looked at the girls. Y/N then looked to Narcissa.

"You may go." She said as Y/N nodded, knowing that the Black family crest wouldn't force him back to the school in the middle of his meeting with Sirius and Bellatrix.

"Would you all tell those that need to know, that I'll be away for a few days." Y/N said as he kissed all of them one by one. He left to head to his trunk, looking at the belongings he had buried at the bottom of the trunk. He muttered to himself. "One more job."

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