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It had taken Y/N and Harry two weeks to speak to one another since Y/N had punched Potter.

The Festive season had arrived, the snow glistened on the caps of the mountains, it crunched under the footsteps of students walking through the white blanket that had covered the ground. 

The carriage ride was calm, if not a little solemn.

"It doesn't feel right, just going off without Harry and Y/N like that." Hermione said as Ron shrugged.

"Mione, relax, they're probably just having some quidditch match or something, I know they haven't been good recently with one another but they're over it. Let's just enjoy our day out together." Ron said as Neville looked concerned. 

"It's Hermione." Hermione said sternly.

"Okay, okay, I was only being nice." Ron said as Hermione looked at Ron and was confused for a moment before Seamus began talking to Ron and Neville as Hermione admired the view.

When they arrived at the Village, Ron gestured for Seamus and his friends to give him and Hermione some space.

"Nev, wanna come have a look in Zonko's?"

"Uh, yeah, All right." Neville said as he followed Seamus and Dean.

"So, Miss Granger, where do you want to go first?" Ron asked as Hermione looked at him.

"I want to have a look in Galdrags for something first, if that's okay."

"All right. I underestimated the weather." Ron said as Hermione looked around for someone waiting to prank her.

As Ron found himself a hat, he took it to the counter, he spotted Hermione handing a box to Daphne Greengrass outside who rushed off in the direction of the owlery. Ron paid the shop owner and put the hat on. Weasley stepped outside into the snow and approached Hermione.

"Right where do we want to go next?" Ron asked as Hermione took one long look at Ron before she answered.

"Well, neither of us have been to the Shrieking Shack, we could go there." Hermione suggested as Ron nodded, they walked through the town with Hermione stopping off in Madam Pudifoots, before returning back out with two cups of tea.

"If I'd have known I would have asked for a coffee." Ron remarked, a bit too loudly, Hermione frowned.

They continued their walk through the town until they eventually left the high street and went off the beaten track until they finally found it. The Shrieking Shack.

Ron and Hermione were stood at the perimeter fence looking at the shack in wonder, Hermione was telling Y/N everything she knew about it.

"It's meant to be the most haunted building in Britain. Did I mention that?" Hermione asked as Ron sighed.

"Twice." Y/N said with a chuckle over Hermione's shoulder, causing her to turn and look at him, he was looking at her with a comforting smile that warmed Hermione's soul, she didn't know how he put up with her, repeating herself.

"Y/N? How long have you been here?" Ron asked as Y/N looked at him.

"Just got here, but this is Hermione, I know she tends to repeat facts like that." Y/N said with a chuckle as he smiled at Hermione. She hugged him and saw he was still wearing his usual clothes, with little in the way of warmth being provided by them. She held onto his arm closely.

"Do you want to move a bit closer?" Hermione said.

"Huh?" Y/N said as he didn't know whether Hermione meant to the Shrieking Shack, or to one another.

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