Journey To Hogwarts...

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Y/N was calm as he walked along the carriages of the train looking for a quiet cabin, hearing the conversations among students.

"I for one would be grateful when they show the muggles and mudbloods their rightful place, yes, they may lose their freedoms, but they will be happier to not have to think and make so many decisions." Y/N heard a naturally snarky voice say as he passed. "They live like animals, when Purebloods teach them the truth, they'll be taught to clean their act right up."

Y/N continued walking along the carriages.

"I heard Minister Fudge is hoping to stay in office, which is why he's so concerned with the reformation scheme he's set up for Azkaban prisoners and with cleaning up the... undesirables." A boy remarked as Y/N passed the cabin calmly.

Y/N was calm as he continued along the carriages, hearing all sorts of conversations among people on the train.

"Hermione, you haven't seen a toad around have you?" A young boy asked the bushy haired girl who Y/N had seen earlier.

"No, sorry."

Y/N continued walking, making his way through crowds in the carriage corridors, passing couples of older students kissing in the corridors, until he eventually found a cabin. There was one sole occupier, it was the boy he had seen earlier, wearing the round rimmed glasses, the baggy clothes clearly too large for him, Y/N opened the door.

"Mind if I sit in here? Everywhere else is too full." Y/N remarked as the boy gestured to the seat. Y/N sat opposite the boy and sighed to himself, closing the door behind him as he lay with his feet up on one bench, and sitting in the other, leaning his head back.

"You might as well do the same if no one's joining us, it's nine hours till Hogwarts, that's on a good day." Y/N remarked as the boy looked at him.

"What year are you in?" The boy asked as Y/N looked at him.

"First year." Y/N remarked as he closed his eyes.

Before Harry could ask anymore questions, the door opened to reveal a redheaded boy.

"Sorry, do you mind if I join you's, every where's full." The redhead asked as the boy with the glasses gestured to the seat, the redhead looked as Y/N reluctantly moved his legs out of the way to allow him past before putting them back on the bench. "I'm Ron, by the way, Ron Weasley."

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." The boy said causing Y/N to open his eyes and look at him.

The two boys looked to Y/N who was silent.

"Y/N." He said bluntly before looking to Harry. Y/N was closing his eyes when he heard a torrent of abuse aimed at someone from down the corridor. He stood up and went to close the door to block out the noise when he saw the bushy haired girl was the target of the abuse, he sighed to himself as he saw tears running down her face at some of the words being hurled at her. Y/N mentally cursed himself.

He stepped out into the corridor before walking down to where the bushy haired girl was standing, Y/N stepped into the cabin where the abuse was coming from, immediately, silence engulfed the cabin, he looked at all of the people.

"L/N?" A boy said, he had a mean look to him, with short hair hair and a wide frame.

Y/N looked at him before shaking his head, scoffing to himself, he turned to the bushy haired girl.

"Miss, why don't you go down there, fourth cabin down there, they might know where the toad is." Y/N said calmly as the girl nodded, wiping the tears from her face but Y/N, once again cursing himself mentally stopped her, his hand reached down to his wand.

" Y/N said calmly as the girl nodded, wiping the tears from her face but Y/N, once again cursing himself mentally stopped her, his hand reached down to his wand

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Y/N cast a spell that removed any evidence of the bushy haired girls tears, he went to walk away with the Bushy haired girl before a voice spoke out.

"Mudblood lover!"


"Yes L/N?"

"Put more make up on, we can see where your dads been using your mouth too much." Y/N said before leaving. Returning to his cabin to find the bushy haired girl.

"Has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one." The girl asked as Harry and Ron shook their heads.

The girl allowed Y/N into the cabin, watching him sit back down and put his feet up before she noticed the wand in Ron's hand.

"Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see then." The girl said as Ron cleared his throat. Y/N leaned back and put his arms behind his head in relaxation.

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow." Ron said as he waved his wand all it did was knock the sweet carton off of the rats head.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it?" The girl said as Y/N was laughing to himself. "Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself, but they've all worked for me."

The girl walked in and sat next to Y/N, opposite Harry.

"For example, Oculus repairo." She said as her wand cast the spell and fixed Harry's glasses.

"Guess there's no point in saying should have gone to specsavers?" Harry quipped as the rest laughed. Harry took his glasses off and looked at them when the girl recognised him.

"Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter. I'm Hermione Granger."

"I'm Ron Weasley." Ron said with his mouth full.

"Pleasure. And you?" Hermione said as she looked from Ron to Y/N.

"Rip Van Winkle." Y/N said sarcastically.

" Y/N said sarcastically

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"Nice to meet you." Hermione said as she looked at him.

"That's Y/N, he... well he doesn't talk much." Potter said as he looked at Y/N. "We don't know his last name."

"Wait, those people called you L/N. Y/N L/N?"

Y/N looked at Hermione before nodding slightly.

"Haven't I heard of you before?" Ron said before Y/N looked at him with a warning look.

"Well, Y/N, it was nice to meet you. Ron, Harry." Hermione said as she stood up and headed out of the door. "I suggest that you all get changed, we'll be arriving soon...Ron, you've got dirt, just there, on your nose."

Y/N just sighed before resting his head against the wall and putting his feet up.

"One of you wake me when we get there." Y/N asked as they both nodded.

Y/N closed his eyes and went to sleep...

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