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Y/N was walking through the corridors of Hogwarts when he heard a voice from over his shoulder.

"Bonjour, Y/N."

Y/N turned to look at the voice he knew all too well, it was the voice of Fleur Delacour.

Y/N turned to look at the voice he knew all too well, it was the voice of Fleur Delacour

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"Bonjour, Fleur, I'm surprised you remember me." Y/N said as Fleur smiled.

"Well, eet ees 'ard to foget your first keess." Fleur said in her thick French accent.

"Funny, it wasn't the only thing that's hard thinking about that kiss, or the ones after it." Y/N said as Fleur smiled and laughed, moving in close. "I take it that I'm still wanted dead in France?"

"Oui." Fleur said as she looked him in the eyes. "Ma fazer ees steell very angzy wiz you."

"So are a lot of girls fathers." Y/N said as Fleur smirked, looking at his face.

"Your scars..."

"Not exactly something I care about." Y/N said as Fleur nodded.

"Are ze rumours true? About you and zat Granger girl." Fleur said as Y/N nodded.

"Yes, me and Hermione are together, actually, it's me and a lot of other girls." Y/N said as he chuckled awkwardly.

"Shame, I would 'ave liked to 'ave been your first." Fleur said as she leaned in close. "Do you meess eet, zose keesses we shared?"

"Yes, I miss them." Y/N said as he looked at her. "You're still as beautiful as you were those years ago."

Fleur blushed and smiled.

"And your steell as 'andzome as you were zose years ago." Fleur said as she looked into his eyes.

"Sure." Y/N said as he thought about his first encounter with Fleur those years ago.

6 years Earlier: 

Y/N was laying low after a his adventures in America, he knew he had to avoid Britain for now, meaning he did the one thing he never thought he would do... he went to France.

He was currently in the south of France, enjoying some sun for a change instead of the terrible weather of Azkaban island.

He was calm and collected as he relaxed on the beach, he was running a tour business from his ship, "The Ice Queen", taking tourists on sailing tours and stopping occasionally to let them have a swim before sailing back to the harbour. It was hardly making him a millionaire, but it was enough to get by.

As he was lying on the beach, catching some sun waiting for the next tour eating an ice cream, he saw a woman walk past in a bikini. His teenage mind couldn't help but admire the view, his ice cream melting in his hands, realising this he immediately finished the ice cream, his mind wandering back to the girl in the bikini when he heard a French girls voice.

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