Defenceless Against The Dark Arts...

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"Of all the people to get as our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, we get this stupid git." Ron complained as the door to the teachers office opened and Lockhart walked out.

"Let me introduce you to your new Defence Against the Dark Arts" Lockhart said, putting on his photo smile and walking down the stairs with a load of papers in his hands, he walked through the class handing out the papers, Y/N went through the questions and found that they were all about Lockhart. He raised his hand. "Yes m'boy."

"All of these questions are about you."

"Yes." Lockhart said as Y/N looked at him.

"So what about the subject you're meant to be teaching?" Y/N asked calmly.

"Mr L/N, I think it would be wise to know your teacher before you learn from them."

"I know him well enough to know half of his so called achievements belong to other witches or wizards." Y/N remarked as Lockhart looked at him for a moment.

"I'll be speaking to McGonagall about th-"

"That's Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall is twice the teacher you are, probably twice the mage as well." Y/N corrected as Lockhart gave an impressed smile.

"Very well, I'll use language you understand, why don't you fuck off, clearly this does not concern you." Lockhart said as the room went silent as Y/N looked at him.

"When a man with more teeth than braincells tells me to fuck off, it always concerns me, Goldilocks." Y/N said as he looked to Lockhart who looked like he had been slapped in the face.

"Out of my class." Lockhart said as Y/N smirked and left the classroom, almost enthusiastically. "I'll have McGonagall come and talk to you."

"It's Professor McGonagall." Y/N corrected

Y/N was stood outside of the classroom, leaning against the wall, even out of the classroom he found no reprieve from Lockharts nonsense, as he could hear him through the door until, luckily, he was drowned out by the approaching footsteps of professor McGonagall.

"Mr L/N, why have I received word from Professor Lockhart that you've been arguing with him?"

"Because he was having us do a quiz about him, Ma'am. Forgive me for being pedantic, but I thought this subject was called Defence Against the Dark Arts, not Gilderoy Lockhart studies." Y/N said as Professor McGonagall looked at him, she understood his frustration. "And with Due respect, Ma'am, he's also not showing other members of Staff respect in front of students."

"Who has he been disrespecting?"

"You, Professor, I've had to correct him twice now, he is not referring to you by your title as a Professor, he's also a liar." Y/N said as McGonagall nodded.

"Well, Mr L/N. I appreciate that you have brought such matters to my attention. However, it is hardly an excuse for arguing and disrespecting Professor Lockhart. I will let you off with a warning this one time, as long as you promise it doesn't happen again. Go back inside and finish the lesson." McGonagall said as she opened the door allowing Y/N into the room, Lockhart was just finishing marking the papers as Y/N walked in and sat in his seat, he could feel Hermione's glare.

"Hope you're pleased with yourself, insulting our teacher in the first lesson." Hermione whispered as Y/N sighed.

"Very much so yes." Y/N muttered as Lockhart put the papers down and headed into his office where he pulled retrieved an object that looked like a bird cage with a cover on it.

"Now! It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to wizard kind. You may find yourselves facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm can befall you whilst I am here. I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them!"

Lockhart pulled the cover off of the cage on his desk to reveal the deadly, horrifying, monstrous... Cornish Pixies?

"Cornish Pixies?" Y/N and Seamus scoffed

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"Cornish Pixies?" Y/N and Seamus scoffed.

"Freshly caught Cornish pixies." Lockhart said as if it made a huge difference. The class let out a small laugh. "Laugh if you will, Mr Finnegan, but pixies can be devilishly tricky little blighters. Let's see what you make of them. Hyah! Go!"

Lockhart opened the cage and the pixies flew out of the cage and began to wreak havoc on the class, most of the students fled from the class leaving the golden quartet to fend off the pixies.

"Come on now, round them up, round them up, they're only pixies!" Lockhart said.

"You haven't told the rest of the class the spell to round them up you... Greengrass, duck!" Y/N shouted. He saw Neville being lifted into the air by his ears and hung on the chandelier by his robes. Y/N turned to Daphne and saw a Pixie pulling her hair. "Hold still!"

Y/N swatted the pixie off of Daphne who pushed Y/N's head down so that he was ducking and she jabbed a pixie with her fist, as Y/N stood up he looked to Daphne who smirked.

"Thanks." Y/N said as he looked over to Lockhart and saw him trying to cast a spell only for a pixie to steal his wand, the pixie with the wand destroyed the chains keeping the dragon skeleton suspended from the ceiling, as the skeleton crashed to the floor one of the rib bones fell onto and through Y/N's right leg.

Lockhart ran to his office and leaned over the stair railing.

"I'll ask you lot to just nip the rest of them back into their cage." Lockhart said as he shut himself in his office and locked the door.

"What do we do now!" Ron asked as Hermione smacked the pixie that had dropped the skeleton on Y/N, she put the book down and drew her wand.

"Immobulus!" Hermione, Y/N, and Daphne shouted, a blue wave went through the room and suspended all of the pixies in the air like they were in slow motion.

Y/N was quick to climb to his feet with Harry and Ron heading off to their next lesson, Daphne went to join the rest of Slytherin, not wanting to get roped into anything. Hermione meanwhile helped Y/N up to the office.

"Are they go-?"

"Yes, they're gone, stand up you pathetic, snivelling piece of shite." Y/N said as he dragged Lockhart from under the teachers desk. "Students could have been hurt thanks to you, I got the ribcage of a fucking dragon through my leg because of your stupidity."

"Watch your tone Mr L/N-"


Y/N's fist jabbed Lockhart on the face, popping his lip and nose.

"That was for putting my friends at risk. You can report me if you want, but I doubt you want people knowing you got that injury from a 16 year old kid." Y/N said as he limped away, with Hermione taking him to the hospital...

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