Teaching A Friend

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"So you need to remain calm as you approach it... easy." Y/N said as Harry approached a Hippogriff, Harry had asked him to teach him about magical creatures in the hopes of having something to talk with Luna about, Y/N, being the good friend that he was and the wingman for Potter that he was, agreed, he'd decided to start with somethings that Harry already knew to ease him into it. "Now hold onto the reins and remain calm, don't act like a little wuss."

"Shut up." Harry laughed out as he looked at Y/N who smirked before looking at the saddle he had fitted.


"Yeah." Harry said as he nodded. stepped back.

"Alright, spur him on, try clicking your tongue twice." Y/N said as he watched Harry set off, galloping away on the back of the Hippogriff.

While Harry was flying Y/N sat down with hid golden egg and looked at it, pondering it for a while.

"All righ' there Y/N?" A familiar voice said as Y/N looked up.

"Hello Hagrid. Having a good day?" Y/N asked as he continued looking at the egg.

"Yeah, 'ere, what 're yeh doin' 'angin' around 'ere for?"

"Oh, just teaching Harry about animals, thought I'd start him off with a hippogriff, something he's familiar with, meanwhile I'm trying to solve this egg." Y/N said as he thought for a moment. "Say Hagrid, how do dragons keep their eggs in good condition?"

"Well they usually 'eat them up." Hagrid said as Y/N thought for a moment.

"What about water, warm water I mean. You put it in a warm pan of water don't you when you're heating it up to hatch?"

"Well, that was what I did, yeah, but that's not really a requirement."

"Hmm, hang on, the last challenge was to do with dragons, dragons are commonly associated with fire aren't they?"

"Well, yeah, but I don't see how that's important." Hagrid said as Y/N smirked.

"What's the opposite of fire?" Y/N asked as Hagrid looked at him.


"Correct, so the next task likely must have something to do with water." Y/N said as he looked at Hagrid.

"Well, I doubt pourin' some water on the egg will help." Hagrid said cheerfully as Y/N laughed.

"No, but submerging it in water might work." Y/N thought aloud. His train of thought was cut short when he heard Harry's voice approaching.

"Wooo hoooo!"  Harry celebrated as the hippogriff came in for a landing, As the hippogriff started slowing down, coming to a stop.

"Well done Harry, well done, now, if you're looking for talking points, your best bet is to get to know the animals you want to talk about, in times such as this I try call upon the ancient proverb of... 'When in doubt, ask Hermione or failing that, go to the library." Sun Tzu said that." Y/N said as he looked at Harry.

Harry laughed.

"In fact, why don't you ask Luna for help? After all it's her you're doing this for, nothing better than her teaching you about these creatures to help you both... get closer to one another." Y/N said as he looked at Harry.

"Yeah, well, I'd best get going, thanks for the lesson and everything Y/N." Harry said as Y/N nodded.

"Yeah, look I'm working on an idea for the egg, I'll get in touch with the results" Y/N said as Harry nodded.

"Sure." Harry said as he noticed a figure approaching.

"Y/N! Harry!" Hermione said excitedly as she hugged them both and kissed Y/N.

"Hermione!" Y/N said as he hugged her, kissing her as he held his hands on her hips, his hands moved to near her bottom when Harry cleared his throat.

"If you're going to start with that, do it somewhere where Hagrid and I are not." Harry said with a smirk.

Y/N looked to the Hippogriff brush up against him.

"Go Buck yourself Potter." Y/N joked as they all started laughing, with Y/N and Hermione resuming in their kissing...

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