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Y/N walked to Myrtles bathroom all on his own, Ron and Harry were going to talk to Hagrid about the chamber. He continued walking, his wand in it's holster and a potions bandolier across his chest, filled with wiggenwald potion and other useful potions.

As he entered the bathroom he looked around and heard Myrtle.

"Huh? Who's that?!" Myrtle yelled out as she flew through the toilet cubicle door, turning to see Y/N. "Oh, hello Y/N."

"Hello, Myrtle." Y/N said as he looked around, there was clearly no one else who had used the toilets recently. "Busy day?" 

"Not really, people tend to avoid these toilets. Unless it's to throw books at me." Myrtle said as Y/N nodded.

"Myrtle, can I ask you something personal?"


"How'd you die?" Y/N asked as he looked at her.

"Oh, it was dreadful. It happened right here in this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Oliver Hornby was teasing me about my glasses." Myrtle began.

"Should have teased him about how his name sounds like horny." Y/N quipped earning a squealing giggle from Myrtle.

"Anyway...I was crying...and then I heard somebody come in."

"Who was it Myrtle?" Y/N asked.

"I don't know. I was distraught! But they said something funny, a kind of made-up language, and I realized it was a boy speaking, so I unlocked the door to tell him to go away, and...I died."

"Just like that? How?"

"I just remember seeing a pair of great, big, yellow eyes...over there by that sink." Myrtle said as she pointed to a sink with a snake on the tap before floating away crying.

Y/N approached the tap and looked at it, running his hand along the side of it and feeling what felt like a snake on it. He paused for a moment.

"Open." Y/N said in parseltongue as there was a loud rumbling as the sink lowered into the ground revealing a huge tunnel leading underground.

"Well, well, well." Y/N remarked to himself, chuckling at his own joke, he could just imagine Daphne's face if she was here, she'd probably shove him down the tunnel. He heard a giggle behind him and saw Myrtle.

"Oh, Y/N, if you do die, you're welcome to share my toilet."

"Somehow, that's actually an improvement from my 'home'." Y/N remarked as Myrtle smiled.

Y/N jumped down the tunnel without any hesitation, flying out of the tunnel and into a room, he looked at the floor and saw that it was covered in bones.

He journeyed deeper into the Chamber until he found a giant snake skin that had been shed.

"Whatever shed this must be sixty feet long...or more." Y/N said as he inspected the shed skin.

He looked ahead and saw a vault like door with snakes on it, as he approached it, he told it to open in Parseltongue and the door opened, he made his way into the real Chamber of Secrets, it was decorated with snakes and a giant statue of Salazar Slytherins head.

He continue walking, not even faltering as he held his wand in his hand, walking with a purpose.

He continue walking, not even faltering as he held his wand in his hand, walking with a purpose

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