Asking For A Favour...

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Daphne Greengrass was many things in Y/N's experience. Terrifying, cunning, sometimes she could be quite twisted when someone dared hurt her friends or family, intelligent enough that she rivalled Y/N and Hermione academically, but she was also less like other aristocratic purebloods, she didn't believe in pureblood supremacy, and her family were neutral during the last war, despite the front she put on with most, Y/N knew that deep down there was a heart in there somewhere, and regardless of how much he acted like he thought she was evil or the devil in heels, he knew that she was a good person. Not to mention one thing he knew undoubtedly, he knew she was an absolute bombshell.

Almost every boy in the school found himself with at least one fantasy surrounding the Slytherin Ice Princess, though very few ever came close to their dreams, as she had a certain... reputation for turning down any boy who approached her, to the point where most people were convinced that she was actually secretly a lesbian.

Her engagement to Y/N however was proof otherwise, while it was true that they both had broken up before the marriage could go ahead, the two of them telling their parents they didn't want to marry their contracted betrothed, it was also widely suspected that Y/N and Daphne held a certain candle for one another still and were very intimate during their time together.

To cut to the point, Y/N could never really know what to expect with the beautiful blonde. He sometimes suspected that her brain on some matters was like a slot machine with how she would operate, but always disregarded that suspicion when he knew that she wanted him to think that because it made her less predictable.

As Y/N walked into the abandoned classroom where he and Daphne would visit for heated kisses and to make out in private, though they never had sex, it was obvious that they had been intimate with one another, he looked around and saw Daphne waiting.

"You came." Daphne said as Y/N looked at her.

"Yes, what is it you want?"

"I want your help. But first I need your word to keep this a secret-"

"Daphne, you know I will, just tell me what's going on." Y/N interrupted as Daphne took a moment.

"Draco has a marriage contract with me." Daphne said as Y/N sighed.

"And what do you want from me?"

"You want me to say it don't you?" Daphne asked as Y/N nodded.


"Will you help me escape this marriage contract?" Daphne asked as Y/N paused for a moment.

"Why would I do that?" Y/N asked as Daphne sighed.

"Okay, what do you want?" Daphne asked as Y/N paused.

"Nothing." Y/N said as Daphne looked at him.

"You want something, I know you do." Daphne said as shook his head.

"Maybe in the future when Snape decides he wants to kick off at me, you could vouch for me?" Y/N said as Daphne nodded.

"Fine. Do we have a deal?" Daphne asked as she looked at him, her eyes scanning him from head to toe, trying to read him.

"We have a deal. I trust you have a plan on how to get out of this?"

"Not yet, but word is there's some news about to be given out at the next feast, maybe it could present us with an opportunity." Daphne said as Y/N nodded. "Saying that takes me back to the good old days."

Y/N smiled.

"Yeah, remember when we played that prank on Snape?" Y/N said as Daphne smiled and laughed.

"Yes, I remember, I remember your detention for three weeks." Daphne said as Y/N sat against a table.

"Do you... do you miss what we had?"

"Of course, Daphne." Y/N answered.

"But you have Ginny and Hermione now."


"I'm happy for you Y/N. Really. You're a lucky man and they're two lucky girls." Daphne said as Y/N nodded.

"Daphne, just so you know, you don't owe me anything for this favour, I'd help you out of this without asking for anything." Y/N said before standing up and leaving, heading for the door, as the door closed Daphne paused for a moment and smiled at his words before leaving...

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