Umbridge's Request

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Amelia Bones was in her office looking through a weekly request to have a bounty of 14 million Galleons placed on Y/N, she smirked to herself and sat back, she knew whose writing, Amelia sat back and chuckled reading Umbridge's request.

These weekly requests were clearly trying to grind down her will until she caved and put a bounty out on Y/N, but they were the highlights of her week, always getting a laugh from her.

"This woman... honestly." Amelia said as she thought to her niece Susan. "Thinking of Y/N... wonder if Susan has managed to confess to him."

Umbridge was in her office reading the daily prophet, seeing the ungrateful L/N boy had survived the first task and was enjoying the time of his life.

"Blasted boy... he'll slip up, blood traitors like him always do." Umbridge thought for a moment as she stood up and went to a small section of her office she used for training, she began casting spell after spell at a dummy she had put Gryffindor robes on and drawn scars onto the cheek of it's face.

Y/N and Ginny were in the quidditch locker room, with Ginny pinned up against the wall of the shower, moaning as Y/N fucked her into pure bliss, they had been at it for the past hour.

Y/N had his face buried in the crook of Ginny's neck.

"Oh, right there Y/N!" Ginny said as Y/N continued to fuck her, his hand moving around to her front to fondle her tits, which were around the same size as Daphne's slightly larger than Hermione's yet smaller than those of girls like Lavender Brown. "You like playing with these tits?"

"Oh yes." Y/N said as Ginny leaned back and kissed Y/N on the lips.

"Show me then." Ginny teased as Y/N did just that...

"The boy is a danger to the ministry and the people of magical Britain, I hereby request a bounty of 14, 000, 000 galleons be placed on the head of Y/N, formerly of house L/N. Hahaha! Oh, Dolores, you never fail to earn a smile with these requests." Amelia said to herself as she read the letter.

Just then, the door opened and in walked Dolores Umbridge herself. She looked at the pink piece of paper she had sent Amelia and smiled with pride.

"I see you received my letter." Umbridge stated.

"I too can see that Dolores, thank you." Amelia said as she continued reading and laughing to herself. "Please, do send more like this, this is one of your best ones yet."


"Barrel of laughs." Amelia said with a chuckle as she read the letter.

"Are you going to put the bounty on him?"

"In the spirit of fun that you put me in, I'll give you three guesses." Amelia said as she looked at Umbridge.

"Yes." Dolores said as Amelia smiled.

"Two guesses left." Amelia said sarcastically as she looked at Umbridge who seemed to be astounded.


"Y/N has done no wrong since his pardon from the minister, meaning there is no reason to bring him in and if we did so without a reason, he'd easily sue the ministry for every penny. So I advise you to leave him alone." Amelia said coldly as she poured herself a tea. "Tea?"

Umbridge took a deep breath before storming out of the room, slamming the door.

"I suppose not." Amelia said with a chuckle before looking to the photo on her desk of Susan.

Y/N and Ginny where finished in the showers, and getting dressed, the two of them out of breath as they smirked at one another. 

"Have you figured the egg out?"

"Yes, I'm taking it to the prefects bathroom tonight Hermione, Cissa, and Daphne are coming, fancy coming."

"I just did, multiple times." Ginny joked as Y/N smirked. "Sure. Two Slytherin women and two Gryffindor girls should keep it even, what about Astoria?"

"She's in detention for the week because she had a fight." Y/N said as Ginny nodded.

"Right yeah." Ginny said as she moved up to Y/N and kissed him. "Don't be too long, we need to get to the great hall for lunch, for some reason I'm starving."

"Me too, can't think why." Y/N joked as he and Ginny laughed.

They walked out of the Gryffindor Quidditch tent, passing Katie Bell who saw the "freshly fucked" face on Ginny, and smirked at the couple before winking at Y/N and blowing a kiss at him.

"Honest, it's like every girl I'm near can't resist all of a sudden." Y/N said as Ginny smirked.

"It's because seeing you with me and the other girls shows you're willing to finally have relationships, you were one of the most sought after boys in the school, nearly as much as Harry, you're above Cedric, most girls have some fantasy with you, now they see there's a chance their fantasies could come true and they want you. I can't say I blame them either..." Ginny said as she groped Y/N's arse slightly with a smirk before walking ahead, swaying her hips in front of Y/N who was still reeling from the surprise of having his arse felt up for once.

He was walking to his seat between Hermione and Ginny when Susan Bones from the Hufflepuff house approached him.

He was walking to his seat between Hermione and Ginny when Susan Bones from the Hufflepuff house approached him

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Introducing Karen Gillan as Susan Bones.

"Hey Y/N, Hermione said you're having a sort of pool party in the prefects bathroom, and suggested I asked you if I could come if I wanted to." Susan said as Y/N looked at the redheaded girl. Y/N paused for a moment and looked to a smirking Hermione who winked and raised her goblet at Y/N who chuckled.

"I've created a monster... and I love her!" Y/N thought to himself before looking back to Susan.

"Sure, you're welcome to come Susan. No dive bombing though." Y/N joked as Susan giggled to herself, Y/N smiled at her and walked away before sitting between Hermione and Ginny. "Thanks for that Mione."

"Well, it's no secret she has a thing for you. And we both know you have a thing for her."

"Yes but... You're in trouble tonight young lady."

"Oh really, such as-"

"No cuddles." Y/N said childishly as Hermione smirked leaning in.

"You won't last the night."

"Bet." Y/N said as Hermione smiled, kissing him on the cheek before returning to her meal, with Y/N eating a roast dinner, serving some extra stuffing onto his plate as he heard Ginny giggling at the scene of him and Hermione's 'domestic'.

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