Tour Of The Town

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Y/N was finishing the food in the kitchen as he heard footsteps approaching.

"Y/N?" Hermione's voice said as Y/N turned to see Hermione, Ginny, Daphne, Astoria, Narcissa and Harry standing there.

"Hello." Y/N said as a house elf took over from him on the food. He approached his friends and led them outside. "Welcome to Free Isle."

"This place is amazing." Hermione said as she looked around at everything. "A place where house elves can live their lives. Are they all free?"

"Most of them, some have their servitude mindset too ingrained, in which case they serve me and I pay them, there is a house elf market on the island where they can buy clothes, seeing as they are buying them then it does not count as granting them freedom, meaning that those who choose to serve can buy clothes with clear minds." Y/N said as he approached the small town that housed over 300 house elves, the population having grown since Y/N had liberated the initial 200 elves. "Everyone is treated equally here, we all follow the same basic laws. We are self sufficient for the most part, what little trading we do engage in, we ensure that our trading partners will not be in much of a rush to tell anyone the location of this island. We keep Aethonans and Abraxans here and breed them, selling them to interested buyers."

"Wow." Harry said as he saw the local town. "Wait, but you always spoke of your home like a baron hellscape?"

"Yes, technically, Azkaban was my home, I was sent to spend summers in a cell with Sirius and Bellatrix until I obtained my freedom." Y/N said as Harry looked Y/N. "I'd like to avoid that topic for today, and just enjoy my time here."

"Right, sorry." Harry said as Y/N smiled.

"We also have a friendly face here." Y/N said as he nodded over to the Hippogriff approaching.

"Buckbeak!" Harry and Hermione said as they approached the animal.

"How are you doing big fella?" Y/N asked the hippogriff as it looked at him and bowed.

"I'm probably going to sound stupid, but don't you need saddles?" Harry said as Y/N nodded.

"Yes, and we have them, come on, I'll take you to meet the one who makes saddles for us." Y/N said as he led the group to the stables where a house elf that was dressed like in a white cotton shirt, wearing a pair of jeans with suspenders and leather boots over the jeans along with a flat cap. "Jocky. How are you?"

The house elf looked to him and smiled.

"I'm well master L/N, the Hippygriff you brought here is wonderful!" Jocky said as he bounced on his feet excitedly.

"How do you get the leather." Hermione asked Y/N and Jocky.

"We also raise cows and pigs on the island, when they get old and die, we use the leather from the cows. They're not the only livestock we keep and the natural wild life is a phenomenon." Y/N said as he smiled at Hermione.

"Is this how you could afford your first school supplies?" Astoria asked as Y/N paused.

"No... that was money from bounties."

"What?!" Hermione yelled as she looked at him. "You've been doing that work since before school?"

"Yes." Y/N said as he paused. "Again, I don't particularly want to discuss it today."

"Master L/N. Jocky has finished a saddle for your Hippygriff." The house elf said as Y/N looked at the house elf presenting a masterfully crafted saddle.

"Wow." Y/N, Harry, and all of the girls said as they all looked at the saddle. Y/N pulled out a small pouch of coins and paid Jocky who smiled.

"This is amazing Jocky. Great work." Y/N said as he smiled at the house elf.

"Thank you Master, Jocky is happy to have pleased you."

Buckbeak approached and Y/N bowed to the creature before showing it the saddle, the creature nodded and Y/N fixed the saddle onto it before climbing into the saddle.

"Can I come with you?" Every one of them asked as Y/N smiled.

"Let me just have a lap of the island in the saddle, make sure I've fitted it properly. Then we'll see." Y/N said as he smiled, pulling on the reins, causing the hippogriff to rear up onto it's back legs. "Hi-yo Buckbeak... away!"

Harry and the girls all laughed and clapped as Y/N set off on the back of Buckbeak, speeding through the town, earning cheers from the house elves who watched him pass them at a breakneck pace

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Harry and the girls all laughed and clapped as Y/N set off on the back of Buckbeak, speeding through the town, earning cheers from the house elves who watched him pass them at a breakneck pace.

Y/N pulled the reins to the left and Buckbeak turned slightly to the left.

"What do you reckon boy, think you can beat the time set by the Aethonans for a lap? There's a nice ferret in it for you if you do?"

Immediately the Hippogriff sped up as Y/N smiled.

"Left here!" Y/N said as the creature turned left before speeding up and leaping into the air, spreading his wings

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"Left here!" Y/N said as the creature turned left before speeding up and leaping into the air, spreading his wings.

Harry and the girls were watching from below as they saw Y/N riding the hippogriff in the air. They watched as Buckbeak started plummeting towards the floor, the six of them all taking note that Y/N was not panicking whatsoever as the animal was coming towards the ground like it was going to crash, that was when the hippogriff spread it's wings again and slowing it's descent and gliding to the floor where it continued running before it eventually came to a stop a few feet from Harry and the girls who were all astonished.

"So, who wants to go first?" Y/N asked as he looked at Harry and the girls...

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