Bones' Bathtime

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Y/N entered the prefects bathroom alone, with the egg under his hands he put the egg down and took off his robe before changing into a pair of black swimming shorts with scarlet red accents. 

Daphne arrived and looked at the pool like bath, she saw a hundred golden taps surrounding the whole pool-like tub, with a different jewel set in each tap. 

As the bath filled up she changed into a green swimsuit while Y/N stretched slightly and felt the pain from his past battles still after this time, he had considered going to Madam Pomfrey but had decided against it, thinking that Madam Pomfrey has enough going on making sure everything was ready for emergencies, and tending to other students.

He hissed slightly at the pain from his injuries, he was aching all over, but mostly between his shoulder blades. He walked to the edge of the pool and lowered himself into the hot foamy water. letting out a sigh as he was overcome by the warmth, he relaxed for a moment. He leaned his head back and smiled to himself as he relaxed.

Daphne approached the edge of the bath.

"How is it?" She asked as Y/N looked at her.

"Nice view." Y/N said as Daphne rolled her eyes and climbed in letting out a groan from relaxing. She sat near Y/N on the edge of the bath.

"A butterbeer and a box of French chocolates right now would be heaven." Daphne said as she took a moment to just allow herself to enjoy the bath. Soon, Hermione and Ginny arrived, both of them changing into their costumes, with Ginny stepping out first revealing a scarlet red bikini, she climbed into the water and sighed in relaxation. Y/N noticed Hermione seemed hesitant to come out in her swim suit. He climbed out of the bath and used a spell to dry himself before he approached Hermione.

"Are you all right?"

Hermione looked in the mirror before looking to Y/N.

"Do you think this shows how small my breasts are?" Hermione asked as Y/N paused for a moment, leaning in and kissing her.

"Hermione, your breasts are perfect as they are. I love you no matter what you look like." Y/N said as he looked into her brown eyes. "You're perfect the way you are." 

Hermione nodded as she headed into the bath, climbing into the water between Ginny and Daphne, Y/N stepped out and climbed back into the water before he picked up the golden egg. He paused for a moment before dunking his head under the water, with all of the girls doing the same, Daphne with her blonde hair floating around her like a halo, Ginny with her ginger hair looking like flames in the water, and Hermione's maintained it's usual bushy nature even in the water. Y/N opened the egg.

Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
An hour long you'll have to look,
To recover what we took.

Y/N closed the egg and they all emerged from the water, with Y/N placing the egg on the side of the pool before catching his breath, he looked around and smiled at the girls before moving in and kissing them all. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax again, leaning his head back until he heard the door open and lock. Daphne opened her eyes from where she was relaxing in the water.

"Oh, it's you." Daphne said as she saw Susan and Narcissa walk in.

As Susan joined them, the girls couldn't help but feel slightly conscious about themselves, what with her curvaceous hips and large breasts that challenged Lavender Browns, her fiery red locks of hair that would compel someone to assume she was a Weasley, Daphne being the exception in the self consciousness, she was comfortable with herself, and it was one of the many reasons Y/N loved her, she didn't care for opinions, not even his, she would tell him how it was, a value all of the girls shared.

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