Narcissa Black

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Y/N and Narcissa arrived at the Room of Requirement, with Y/N locking the door behind them and putting the charms up to allow for some privacy.

"So, Lady Malfoy, Lady Black, which do you prefer?" Y/N said as he sat looked at the elegant woman.

"Lady Malfoy." Narcissa said as Y/N nodded.

"Very well, Lady Malfoy, what would you like to do?" Y/N asked as Narcissa looked at him in a confused manor. "If you do not wish to fuck, I will respect that, I'm no animal, we can just sit and talk for an hour or two and then you ruffle your hair, smear some of that lipstick to keep the appearances up, or if you do want to, we can just fuck."

Narcissa was taken back by his words.

"An hour or two... your sure of yourself." Narcissa remarked as Y/N smirked.

"I know my capabilities." Y/N said as he looked her in the eyes. "I also know that your husband leaves a lot to be desired in a lot of areas, including the bedroom department."

"How can you possibly know that-"

"You came with me despite there being no vow making you do so, and there was nothing else incentivising you to come, I know your capabilities, so I know you could likely put up a good enough fight but you didn't even struggle, some would take that at face value and say that it's clear you want to fuck. But you want more than a quick fuck, your wedding ring is slightly dirty, indicating you don't really treasure it that much, and then when we take it off we see that it is regularly removed from how clean the inside of the ring is. Then there's the kiss." Y/N said as Narcissa looked at him. "You kissed with a passion and was surprised to receive that passion in return, indicating that whatever sex you and Lucius do have is hardly loving passionate love making. So I'm going to ask for verbal permission."

"And were you telling the truth about if I were to decline?"

"I would perhaps be slightly hurt, and my Ego would be bruised, but yes... I was telling the truth. I'm no savage." Y/N said as Narcissa looked at her. "If you wish to talk, I can light the fireplace."

"You can light the fireplace." Narcissa said as Y/N drew his wand and lit a huge fireplace, the room summoned a large bearskin rug and two chairs.

The two of them sat in front of the fire and made idle talk.

"So, my deductions, was I right?" Y/N asked as he sat on the arm chair.

"You were, all but one." Narcissa said as she smiled.

"Which one? If it's not too much to ask."

"About us being here for only an Hour or two." Narcissa said as she smirked at Y/N, she walked over to him and straddled his lap, leaning down and kissing him.

"I thought you didn't want to?" Y/N said with a smirk.

"Oh no, I just like to get to know who I'm fucking." Narcissa said as she leaned down and kissed him again. "We're only kissing and I feel more love from you than have from Lucius in the past 18 years."

"Yeah, these pants don't do much to help hide it sorry." Y/N joked as Narcissa smiled at him. "Anything I should know?"

"I like a dominant man, and..." Narcissa leaned in and whispered into Y/N's ear, what she whispered caused his eyes to widen in surprise before his hand moved to her arse which was covered by a long skirt which flowed past her feet and slightly trailed behind her when she walked.

"Ooh, Lady Malfoy, you are a dark horse-"

"Please, call me Narcissa, or Cissa." Narcissa purred as she smiled at him.

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